16 Banned Laws and Oddities Unique to Cameroon – Video

16 Banned Laws and Oddities Unique to Cameroon – Video

16 Banned Laws And Strange Things That Only Exist In Cameroon
Hello everyone! Welcome to our channel. Today, we’ll explore a country located in West Africa, known as “Africa in miniature” – Cameroon.
Not only famous for its majestic natural landscapes and diverse culture, Cameroon also surprises many with its extremely unique and peculiar laws and regulations.
In this video, we’ll go through 16 banned laws and interesting things that you may have never heard of. From prohibiting wearing short skirts to regulations on eating soil, let’s follow along to learn more about these special regulations and the reasons behind them.

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Video “16 Banned Laws And Strange Things That Only Exist In Cameroon” was uploaded on 06/01/2024 to Youtube Channel DiscoveryQuest