20 Bizarre Practices of Ancient Egyptians! – Video

20 Bizarre Practices of Ancient Egyptians! – Video

20 Weird Things Ancient Egyptians Did!
When you think of ancient Egypt, do you only picture majestic pyramids, mysterious mummies, strange hieroglyphs, and elegant cats? If so, then you’re missing out! Ancient Egypt was a world full of bizarre, even “crazy” things you’ve never heard of. From strange customs like Cleopatra bathing in donkey milk to women wearing revealing clothing and even the reason why all citizens had to shave their heads and wear wigs.

Ancient Egypt is a world that will make your eyes pop and exclaim: “Unbelievable!”. Join us and uncover 20 strange things that ancient Egyptians used to do. Are you ready? Let’s begin this journey back in time!

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Video “20 Weird Things Ancient Egyptians Did!” was uploaded on 03/04/2025 to Youtube Channel DiscoveryQuest