“Convicted” is a gripping action thriller that follows Angel Diaz as he tries to reintegrate into society after serving a 10-year prison sentence for dealing drugs. With a desire to reconnect with his daughter Gina, who was just 7 years old when he was incarcerated, Angel finds himself caught up in a dangerous world of crime and mystery.
Directed by Kaysey Strong and starring Kaysey Strong, Jorge F. Lopes, and Nathalie Carvalho, “Convicted” promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its intense storyline and thrilling action sequences. The film explores themes of redemption, family, and the consequences of one’s actions, making it a must-watch for fans of action and mystery movies.
With a TV-MA rating, “Convicted” is sure to deliver an adrenaline-pumping experience that will leave viewers hooked from start to finish. Don’t miss out on this exciting new release – join our members area for access to exclusive premieres and discover the best in cult films today!
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Video “CONVICTED 🎬 Exclusive Full Action Movie Premiere 🎬 English HD 2024” was uploaded on 08/19/2024 to Youtube Channel WATCH ACTION MOVIES NOW
No good not recommended.
Have i to see the whole movie to know why he served a 10 year term in prison.?