23 Unbelievable School Rules in Japan – Video

23 Unbelievable School Rules in Japan – Video

prohibition of dating, ban on returning home after 10:00 PM,… Japanese students have to endure numerous strict rules from the moment they enter school that you won’t believe actually exist.
Join me in the following video to explore 23 prohibitive rules in Japanese schools that are sure to shock you!

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23 school rules in Japan that you won’t believe exist prohibition of wearing white underwear ban on bringing food from home to school prohibition of dating ban on returning home after 1 p.m. Japanese students have to endure numerous strict rules from the moment they enter school that you won’t believe actually exist

Join me in the following video to explore 23 prohibitive rules in Japanese schools that are sure to shock you now number 23 female students must wear white underwear female students are required to wear white uniform underwear specifically female students at some Japanese high schools must wear white underwear underwear underneath their

Uniforms and female teachers will check this uniform at school in some schools teachers regularly pull the bra straps of female students over the collar to check the color additionally there are reports from Junior High School students in Nagasaki that a female teacher will enter the room while female students are

Changing clothes to check their underwear explaining this regulation schools state that they want to create uniformity among female students and prevent them from revealing the color of their inner garments beneath the white uniform shirt however this policy remains controversial as some students believe that the color of underwear should be a

Matter of personal privacy number 22 no bringing food from home to school Elementary and Junior High School students in Japan are not allowed to bring any food from home to school they will have their meals at school the menu at Japanese schools is quite diverse including soup fish ET set but it varies

Between schools additionally students May face penalties if they do not finish their meal in comparison to Western countries where students often go to cafes to buy lunch or bring food from home Japan differs all schools must provide food for students to ensure that no child goes hungry during the school day even

Those facing financial difficulties while this may seem strange to some is a positive measure implemented in Japanese schools to guarantee that no child goes without a meal ensuring they have enough energy to focus on their studies without skipping any meals however for high school students this rule no longer applies allowing the

Bento culture to thrive students can bring colorful creatively decorated and nutritious homemade lunch boxes to school number 21 prohibition on hair dying or having curly hair when coming to school Japanese schools do not allow students to dye their hair black hair is considered the standard and if a student’s natural hair color differs

From black they must dye it black or provide a picture proving that their hair is naturally a different color in some cases students have been forced by the school to dye their hair back to black black causing controversy in Japanese public opinion simply because a female student’s hair had a slightly

Brown tint it’s not just about color female students with naturally curly hair or required to straighten their hair to conform to the pure Customs at school moreover Japanese students may be denied entry to school if their hair is not neatly groomed some cases involve Japanese students of African descent being

Accused of straightening their hair even though it is their natural hair texture number 20 prohibition on having hair based on personal preference if the prohibition on dying hair or having curly hair seems excessive believe me the regulations regarding hair in Japanese schools can be even more extreme in Japanese schools male

Students must have short hair not allowing it to grow long or a facial hair female students can have long hair but the bangs cannot be longer than the eyebrows and tying the hair in an overly flashy way is prohibited some schools prohibit female students from tying their hair into a ponytail or

Wearing a hair bun fearing that it may reveal the neck and potentially stimulate male students this regulation is considered one of the strange prohibitions in Japan it makes you wonder there are short hairstyles that can also reveal the neck so isn’t this rule illogical number 19 prohibition on

Wearing Jewelry accessories or makeup up when coming to school students are prohibited from wearing any jewelry such as Rings bracelets necklaces or accessories like watches or headbands to school and even earrings are considered taboo because they are deemed too flashy authorities argue that if students dress immodestly or wear eye-catching

Accessories they may encounter trouble or pose harm to themselves female students are also not allowed to wear makeup paint their nails or shave their legs the reason behind this is that schools believe students come to school to study so wearing makeup or additional accessories is unnecessary furthermore

These actions are seen as attracting the opposite gender and may lead to undesirable behaviors so they should be prohibited however you may be surprised to know that while Japanese students are forbidden from wearing makeup office workers are required to wear makeup when going to work as a sign of respect

Towards others it’s an odd law isn’t it number 18 no romantic relationships within the school premises while School romance depicted in Japanese movies captivates and impresses everyone the reality is that students are not allowed to date within the school despite the common saying that high school love is the most

Beautiful Japanese schools strictly prohibit this Japanese schools do not permit any form of romantic relationships to be expressed within the school premises many students are even questioned about whether they appear friendly with the opposite sex unfortunately for students who develop feelings for their peers at school all romantic relationships are

Strictly forbidden and students cannot openly Express their feelings to their Crush at school teachers also strongly support this rule believing that students are still too young to think about romantic relationships if a student is found to be in a romantic relationship they may receive a warning and their parents will be informed

Promptly for further action number 17 school uniforms are mandatory school uniforms in Japan have been a part of the education system for many decades and wearing a school uniform is as natural for Japanese students as eating rice and drinking water daily school uniforms play an important role in the identity of Japanese students

Most schools in Japan have a uniform that is the same for all students with female students wearing striped skirts and male students wearing black suits in addition uniforms also have specific regulations regarding the length of the female student skirts if a student intentionally shortens the skirt

For example by folding it at the waist they will be punished if discovered the reason for this regulation is that they believe wearing uniforms helps eliminate social barriers within the School number 16 csy is required at school in the morning when students arrive at school they must seriously perform the ritual of bowing to greet teachers and older adults this is a tradition of particular importance in the Japanese school environment whether in the morning or after class students must maintain a

Serious posture stand up bowo and politely greet their teachers this is because in Japanese culture they highly value greetings students must greet each other as well as their teachers some schools even begin a new day with a meditation session for students and teachers starting the day with positive and fulfilling energy

Hoping it will last throughout the school Day number 15 absolutely no being late for school being punctual is taken extremely seriously from elementary school onwards students must be present in class by 8:30 a.m. and if they are consistently late they will be assigned early morning cleaning duties at school for a week additionally if there is a specific

Emergency causing a student to be late it must be clearly verified otherwise the student is not allowed into the school discipline regarding punctuality has deeply ingrained The Importance of Being on time in multiple Generations making Japanese students respectful of punctuality and time Consciousness most students try to arrive at school on

Time they not only arrive on time but also stay after school for extracurricular activities in various clubs Japanese people highly value adherence to schedules and see it as a cultural way of life that demonstrates respect for the collective and personal discipline a trait cultivated from a young age therefore Japanese people take pride

In being punctual and dislike it when others break appointments or arrive late number 14 students will self-study when teachers are absent no subst subtitute teachers an interesting aspect in Japan is that when a teacher is absent for any reason there will be no substitute teacher this is because students are

Accustomed to a specific teaching style from their own teachers and no one else can replace them instead students have to self-study according to the set guidelines and maintain proper behavior Japan’s self-study hours are also very strict with no noise or disorder the self-discipline and conscientious studying Behavior without supervision

Demonstrate the discipline of Japanese students number 13 teachers are not allowed to ask students to leave the classroom in any country or culture there are always some students who are not truly focused or behave poorly in class asking students to leave the classroom is not an unfamiliar punishment however Japan strictly prohibits

This inviting students out of the classroom is considered Taboo in Japanese education article 26 of the Constitution clearly states all people shall have the right to receive an equal education therefore teachers must familiarize themselves with the saying first the demon second the devil third the student and find better ways to

Manage it is precisely for this reason that teachers here often display immense patience and calmness when standing in front of the class number 12 napping in Japanese schools is commendable have you ever noticed that seeing students dozing off during class in many places would be strongly condemned many people would think they

Are lazy unwilling to work and just sleep all day Japan is completely opposite only those who sleep in bed are considered lazy napping in public places such as in class or on the train is highly regarded inury is used to describe short unintentional naps in public places like in the

Classroom they highly value those who take short naps because they believe these individuals have studied hard worked diligently to the point of exhaustion so they involuntarily fall asleep the schedule of a Japanese student includes participating in morning activities attending exam prep centers doing homework therefore students have little time to

Sleep understanding this when teachers see students dozing off in class they not only don’t reprimand them but also consider it diligence number 11 students are not held back in many countries it is common for students with poor academic performance to repeat a year to reinforce their knowledge but

Not in Japan Japanese students continue to the next grade and participate in the end ofe graduation ceremony even if they fail all subjects grades only truly matter for entrance exams into high school and University additionally while schools worldwide typically started the new Academic Year in September or October

Japan chooses April the first day of school coincides with the most beautiful natural phenomenon of the year the blooming cherry blossoms there are three terms in a year Japanese students have a 6- week summer break in 2 weeks of winter Break number 10 Japanese students wear yellow hats when walking to school many first grade students have to wear yellow hats for visibility making them easily noticeable from a distance since Japanese Elementary School students often walk to school on their own the bright yellow hats are considered essential for safety yellow symbolizes caution and

Attention helping young students stand out while moving on roads passes by including drivers and pedestrians will pay more attention additionally in Japan Elementary School students are equipped with an alarm whistle similar to a keychain if there is danger students can press the button to a loud alarm sound number nine students clean up

Their own schools interestingly you won’t find any janitors at Japanese schools because students are responsible for all cleaning tasks all students share equal responsibilities for cleaning classrooms bathrooms and even hallways they ensure that the floors are clean free of dust and chalk boards used by teachers are spotless according to Japan nikama

Magazine in Japanese schools students must spend 30 minutes each day on cleaning all students are assigned different parts of the school including individual classrooms staircases libraries art rooms music rooms gymnasiums Etc after cleaning one student calls the teacher to inspect if the teacher approves the students can finish

Otherwise they have to clean again therefore from an early age Japanese students are trained not only to keep themselves clean but also to maintain a tidy environment around them number eight prohibition of using mobile phones at school in the age of Technology the use of mobile devices

Such as phones and iPads has become widespread however Japanese schools have strict regulations regarding phone use students are allowed to use their phones anywhere before entering the school during breaks or after classes but using them during class hours is strictly forbidden if a stud student is caught

Using a phone in a prohibited area the teacher has the right to confiscate it if students bring mobile phones to school they must turn them off at the entrance and keep them in their bags in fact many schools do not allow students to bring phones into the school the city

Of Korea in II prefecture has even banned students from using phones after 9:00 p.m. number seven private tutoring is very common it’s not surprising ing that private tutoring is widespread in Japan starting from the first grade Japanese students often attend supplementary classes enrichment programs or tutoring to prepare for crucial exams throughout their

Lives as the average school day lasts from 6 to 8 hours additional classes are usually held in the evenings on Sundays or during holidays a common site on Japanese streets in the evening is students hurriedly returning home after their private tutoring sessions at academic pressure typically intensifies for students in the final

Year of Junior High School aiming for success in entrance exams in high school students preparing for National University exams due to the difficulty of these exams most students prepare by attending cram schools Juku or crem schools are highly prevalent in Japan the majority of students come from

Junior high or high schools they attend Juku to prepare for their life-changing exams Juku classes are often held three to four times a week lasting from 2: p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and students head home after class number six taking off shoes before entering the classroom upon entering the

School students leave their shoes in individual lockers and wear yabaki special white slippers that are age and gender neutral this practice aims to maintain the cleanliness of the classrooms as outdoor shoes are likely to be dirty each pair of yabaki is labeled with the student name to differentiate

Iate and avoid Mix-Ups it’s only when reaching University that students are allowed to wear regular shoes inside lecture Halls number five strict curfew for students students under 18 years old in Japan are required to adhere to a curfew at 10 p.m. different cities may have varying regulations regarding restricted

Activities however both Tokyo and Yokohama enforce a strict curfew at 10 p.m. generally individuals under 18 prohibited from going to movie theaters or gambling establishments after 10 p.m. additionally students are not allowed to stay overnight at a friend’s house number four mandatory swimming lessons from elementary school starting

From elementary school children in Japan are required to take swimming lessons which is a compulsory subject for graduating from elementary school Japanese people believe that swimming is a crucial survival skill and given Japan’s surrounding Seas it is considered essential for everyone to learn how to swim Most Japanese schools have swimming

Pools to complete this course students must swim a specified distance and if they fail they have to attend additional training during the summer the swimming pool is divided into separate lanes for each student students are provided with swim caps goggles and flotation devices while families are responsible for providing

Swimwear after completing a set number of lessons students participate in a skills assessment and teachers evaluate each student on a predefined scale number three mandatory participation in ethics classes ethics classes a mandatory for students aged 6 to 15 in Japanese Elementary and Junior High Schools students learn how to behave to

Contribute to others happiness understand what is morally right to become good individuals in fact even preschool schoolers are taught basic rules of behavior instilling ethical practices in daily activities such as interacting with others helping classmates and maintaining classroom hygiene for example in greetings students are taught to greet their

Parents when waking up and before going to school they should say good morning before meals and ask for permission to leave home or announce their return greetings are also expected when meeting acquaintances moreover Elementary School students have t TKS related to nurturing and caring for pets and plants daily

Even during summer vacations this approach not only allows practical application of science but also Fosters a connection with nature nurturing an appreciation for life to cultivate a positive attitude schools regularly organize visits to nursing homes orphanages or participation in charitable activities during natural disasters or fires mandatory use of musical

Instruments in schools is another way to expose students to the art promoting harmonious and Humane qualities number two mandatory participation in clubs while in many countries School clubs May struggle to maintain membership and continuity in Japan the club culture is robust all schools Nationwide have clubs and every student

Is required to join at least one making it almost mandatory Japanese high schools stipulate that each student must participate in at least one class Club originally the purpose of establishing clubs was to create an environment where students could comfortably pursue their interests after demanding school hours clubs also establish their own

Rules and codes of conduct reflecting social norms resembling a small Society however the original purpose has evolved over time nowadays many school clubs in Japan are used as a means of managing and controlling students it’s no longer voluntary participation but rather coerced or enforced with students unable to leave additionally Club activities can

Be extremely demanding requiring participation before and after regular school hours and sometimes even on Saturdays and Sundays training sessions May last as long as 10 or 11: p.m students not only endure rigorous training but are also subject to hierarchical relationships seniors who are the predecessors hold significant

Roles in guiding and leading the Juniors the strict hierarchy is sometimes a abused leading to exploitation bullying and misuse of Authority number one students are required to learn home economics in Japan students learn home economics skills starting from the fifth grade they continue to study this subject throughout Junior High School and High

School the curriculum covers various skills such as cooking meal planning grocery shopping sewing and even crafting wood and Furniture this subject aims not only at gender equality by teaching both male and female students household chores but also guides children in caring for their families and themselves instilling a

Sense of responsibility at home it teaches them how to budget and spend money wisely children taught home economics develop patients attention to detail and situational awareness so these were some of the peculiar rules for students in Japanese schools from having to clean the school to strict regulations on phone usage

It’s quite surprising isn’t it thank you for watching our video don’t forget to like share and subscribe to stay updated on our latest videos see you in the next ones

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Video “23 SCHOOL RULES IN JAPAN THAT YOU WON’T BELIEVE EXIST !” was uploaded on 03/08/2024 to Youtube Channel DiscoveryQuest