82-year-old veteran in BC brutally attacked and beaten while riding scooter home

82-year-old veteran in BC brutally attacked and beaten while riding scooter home

An appalling incident occurred in British Columbia as 82-year-old Jim Demarce, a Canadian veteran, was swarmed and beaten during his scooter ride home. Demarce encountered four men blocking the path on his way back from the local legion. When he asked them to move their carts, they demanded money and his cigarette. Refusing to comply, Demarce was attacked by the men, resulting in bruises on his arms, a split thumbnail, and injuries to his ribs and head. Despite the severity of the assault, Demarce has decided not to press charges, expressing a lack of confidence in the justice system.

The incident sheds light on the vulnerability of seniors and the importance of ensuring their safety in public spaces. It is unacceptable for individuals to target and harm elderly individuals, especially someone who has served their country like Demarce. This disturbing event serves as a reminder of the need for increased awareness and action to protect the elderly from such senseless acts of violence. The community must come together to support and advocate for the safety and well-being of all individuals, regardless of age or background.

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Video “”Appalling”: 82-year-old veteran in BC swarmed, beaten during scooter ride home” was uploaded on 07/30/2024 to Youtube Channel Global News