Putin orders Russian army to increase by 180,000 soldiers, reaching 1.5 million-strong – FRANCE 24

Putin orders Russian army to increase by 180,000 soldiers, reaching 1.5 million-strong – FRANCE 24

In a move that has sparked concern and raised tensions on the international stage, Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the Russian army to expand by 180,000 soldiers, increasing its total strength to 1.5 million troops. This marks the third time Putin has increased the size of the army since the military intervention in Ukraine in February 2022.

The decree, published on the Kremlin’s website, also calls for the overall size of the armed forces to be increased to 2.38 million people, with 1.5 million of them being active servicemen. This significant expansion in military personnel comes amidst ongoing conflicts and geopolitical tensions in Ukraine, as well as Russia’s involvement in other regions around the world.

The decision to bolster the Russian army by such a large number of troops has raised concerns among foreign leaders and analysts, who fear that it could further escalate conflicts and contribute to instability in the region. The move also comes at a time when Russia’s relations with Western countries, particularly the United States and European Union, are already strained.

As tensions continue to rise, it remains to be seen how this increase in military personnel will impact Russia’s actions on the global stage and whether it will lead to further confrontations with other nations. The decision has certainly captured the attention of the international community, with many closely monitoring the situation and its potential implications for global security.

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Video “Putin orders Russian army to expand by 180,000 soldiers to become 1.5 million-strong • FRANCE 24” was uploaded on 09/17/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English