In this epic video, join us on a wild culinary adventure through Ghana, where we explore some of Africa’s most extreme and unique food offerings. From savory stews and spicy grilled meats, to exotic fruits and vegetables, our taste buds are in for a treat as we sample the vibrant flavors of this West African country.
Not for the faint of heart, we dive headfirst into the bustling markets and roadside stalls to uncover some of the most daring dishes that Ghana has to offer. Whether it’s trying our hand at fufu pounding or braving a taste of fermented palm wine, we’re determined to push our taste buds to the limit and embrace the diverse and rich culinary traditions of Ghana.
Join us on this unforgettable journey as we navigate the challenges and triumphs of surviving Ghana’s most extreme food, and gain a newfound appreciation for the bold and adventurous spirit of African cuisine. Follow us on Instagram for more behind-the-scenes looks and subscribe to our channel for even more foodie adventures. Get ready to embark on a foodie escapade like no other – it’s time to taste the flavors of Ghana!
Watch the video by Best Ever Food Review Show
Video “Surviving Ghana!! Africa’s Most EXTREME Food!!” was uploaded on 09/20/2024. Watch all the latest Videos by Best Ever Food Review Show on Gretopia
u seem to be enjoying Ghana
I was invited to a kenkey party in Berlin once…
The chinese fkin everything up. What a surprise..
Your Ghana series were great. Loved every bit of it. Bye Sony. Come back some other time

Watching this has got me so hungry
Love how they know Germany for burgers somehow
man I love and hate this channel, I love watching the show.. but I hate how hungry I get all the time, like dammit I ate an hour ago! ur gonna get me fat!
I need to go to Ghana. Everything just looks good, andd now I am hungry.
why does this all seem like déjà vu ?!?
ChefAbbys has a good laugh

Awww when you bought the Pengalin to save
My heart!!
5 episodes of GHAna food back to back cos it's the best
This channel kept me going during Covid,,,, @BestEverFoodReviewShow Team,is there any team better than you out there? i doubt.
Why uploading same video again?
Some of the dishes seem overpriced.
Keep em posted where my Ghanaian people at thumbs up guys
So this is the Jollof rice that instagram influencer Ephraim talks so much about;.
This show <3
Come to Brazil. You are goin to be surprise. We are not a dangerous place as people think we are.

Video is too long, make it simple and short.
my god i wanna try everything for now the TZ looks SOOOOOOOOOO good
illegal is the best seasoning.
I love
this ghana foods
Africa has several Michelin star restaurants
My mother is Cameroonian and my dad is from Ethiopia. I was raised in the US
we love Ghana’s jollof over Nigeria! Nigerian jollof always taste burnt
All that food looks like vomit
I enjoy your videos but kindly stop using the word "Surviving"when it comes to African food. It makes it seem like we eat poison / our foo isn't fit for humans.
Why do you care about having a Michelin star. Forget European approval
I live in Ghana
1 hour 33 minutes Can I buy you a beer so that you forget about it
Bro said Yes like WTF 
Ghanaians will disgrace you
Why have l stopped viewing? Who wants to watch for over an hour? Surely the experts tell you that less than 30 minutes is better? The channel is going downhill.
You really love Ghana..most of your videos Ghana
Didn't hear one word she said when she answer your question about ghana food
Keep the ghana videos coming im loving it
Why dont youall use a spoon using hands to eat is barbaric
Every african video is about cooking
Is this not reposted? I feel like I’ve seen this already
Watched at 0.75× $peed.
Come to Albania
Ivory Coast next
Sonny that was so dope giving it a second chance at life
Yep, we in central to west africa love our carbs….unfortunately, they often come with diabetes type 2