8 rodeo bulls break free from mall pen and rampage through yards of Mass. residents, 1 still missing

8 rodeo bulls break free from mall pen and rampage through yards of Mass. residents, 1 still missing

Residents in a Massachusetts neighborhood got a taste of the Wild West when eight rodeo bulls made a daring escape from a mall pen and trampled through their yards. The chaotic scene unfolded on Sunday afternoon, leaving residents shocked and uncertain of what to do next.

The bulls wasted no time causing chaos as they ran through the streets, startling neighbors and causing damage to property along the way. It was a sight that no one was prepared for, as the typically calm suburban neighborhood suddenly transformed into a scene straight out of a western movie.

While the majority of the bulls were eventually corralled and taken back to the mall pen, one remains on the loose, evading capture and continuing to roam freely. Residents are on high alert, unsure of when or where the loose bull may appear next.

Authorities are working diligently to safely capture the remaining bull and ensure the safety of residents in the area. In the meantime, residents are urged to stay indoors and keep a safe distance from the roaming bull.

The unexpected escape of the rodeo bulls serves as a reminder of the unpredictable and sometimes dangerous nature of these powerful animals. It’s a situation that residents will not soon forget, as they continue to keep an eye out for the elusive bull still at large.

Watch the video by New York Post

Video “8 rodeo bulls escape mall pen and trample through Mass. residents’ yards — with 1 still on the loose” was uploaded on 09/23/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post