Marching Supporters of Morales Clash with Arce’s Loyalists in Bolivia’s Political Crisis

Marching Supporters of Morales Clash with Arce’s Loyalists in Bolivia’s Political Crisis

Former Bolivian President Evo Morales and his supporters have arrived in La Paz after a week-long march through the country, sparking clashes with loyalists of current President Luis Arce.

Morales, who has been living in exile in Argentina since he was ousted from power in 2019, led a caravan of thousands of supporters on foot to the capital city to protest against the government of Arce. The march was organized to demand the resignation of President Arce, who Morales accuses of failing to uphold the values of the socialist movement.

As Morales and his supporters approached La Paz, tensions escalated between his loyalists and those of President Arce. The two groups clashed in the streets, with reports of violence and confrontations between the rival factions. The police were called in to intervene and prevent further escalation of the situation.

The arrival of Morales and his supporters in La Paz has reignited the political crisis in Bolivia, with both sides firmly entrenched in their positions. Morales, a popular figure among indigenous communities and the working class, continues to command a significant following despite his removal from office.

The situation remains volatile as both sides dig in their heels, raising concerns about the potential for further violence and unrest in the country. The clash between Morales’ supporters and Arce’s loyalists underscores the deep political divisions that continue to plague Bolivia.

As the political crisis in Bolivia unfolds, the eyes of the international community remain focused on the country, waiting to see how the situation will be resolved and what the future holds for Bolivia’s democracy.

Watch the video by Al Jazeera English

Video “Bolivia’s political crisis: Morales supporters march to La Paz, clashing with Arce’s loyalists” was uploaded on 09/24/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English