Sindile Mavundla, known as Cape Town’s “Bicycle Mayor,” is on a mission to empower young girls in the township of Khayelitsha through cycling. With his Khaltsha Cycling Academy, the 34-year-old is teaching girls how to ride bikes, providing them with a sense of freedom and independence in a community where opportunities are scarce.
Mavundla believes that cycling can be a life-changing activity for these girls, offering them a way to explore their surroundings and build confidence. By promoting the culture of cycling in Cape Town, he hopes to inspire more girls to take up the sport and experience the benefits it can bring.
Through his work, Mavundla is not just teaching girls how to ride bikes, but also instilling in them a sense of empowerment and resilience. He is breaking down barriers and stereotypes, showing that cycling is for everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances.
With his passion for cycling and dedication to empowering young girls, Sindile Mavundla is truly making a difference in the lives of those in Khayelitsha and beyond. He is a shining example of how a bicycle can be a tool for change and transformation in disadvantaged communities.
Watch the video by FRANCE 24 English
Video “Cape Town’s ‘bicycle mayor’ helps township girls embrace cycling • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 09/26/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English
Just amazing! That the real great story we want to hear.