Biden endorses ‘collective bargaining’ when asked about ‘strikes in Yemen’ in latest gaffe

Biden endorses ‘collective bargaining’ when asked about ‘strikes in Yemen’ in latest gaffe

In a recent press conference, President Biden made a perplexing comment when asked about the ongoing strikes in Yemen. When questioned about the situation, the President responded by expressing his support for “the collective bargaining effort,” leaving journalists and onlookers baffled by his response.

This isn’t the first time President Biden has been criticized for his verbal missteps. His comments often come under scrutiny for being unclear or confusing, and this latest gaffe is no exception. The moment was captured on camera and quickly went viral, with many questioning the President’s understanding of the situation in Yemen.

The strikes in Yemen have been a topic of international concern, with many calling for an end to the violence and bloodshed in the region. President Biden’s endorsement of collective bargaining in response to a question about the strikes raises serious doubts about his grasp on foreign policy issues and his ability to effectively address conflicts on the global stage.

As the leader of the United States, President Biden’s words carry weight and significance. His comments on sensitive matters such as the strikes in Yemen should be clear, informed, and indicative of a coherent foreign policy strategy. This latest gaffe only adds to the growing concerns about the President’s communication skills and decision-making abilities.

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Video “Biden endorses ‘collective bargaining’ when asked about ‘strikes in Yemen’ in latest brutal gaffe” was uploaded on 09/30/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post