Orban of Hungary advocates for far-right agenda in push for ‘change’ in the EU • FRANCE 24 English

Orban of Hungary advocates for far-right agenda in push for ‘change’ in the EU • FRANCE 24 English

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban delivered a controversial speech at the European Parliament on Wednesday, advocating for significant changes within the European Union. Known for his nationalist and far-right views, Orban emphasized the need for a shift in the EU’s approach and policies.

During his address in Strasbourg, Orban asserted that the European Union is in need of reform, suggesting that his country’s EU presidency will prioritize challenging the status quo. The Hungarian leader’s remarks have sparked debate and drawn criticism from those who view his agenda as divisive and detrimental to the unity of the bloc.

Orban’s push for change at the EU has raised concerns among his counterparts and European leaders who fear that his far-right agenda could undermine the principles of the union. His bold stance on immigration, national sovereignty, and traditional values has often put him at odds with Brussels and other member states.

As Hungary takes on the presidency of the EU, Orban’s proactive approach to advocating for a shift in the bloc’s direction is likely to stir further controversy. With tensions mounting over issues such as migration, rule of law, and democracy, the Hungarian leader’s call for change could potentially deepen the divide within the European Union.

Critics argue that Orban’s nationalist rhetoric and disregard for EU norms pose a threat to the unity and cohesion of the bloc. As Hungary embarks on its presidency, the outcome of Orban’s push for change within the EU remains uncertain, with implications that could reverberate across the continent.

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Video “Hungary’s Orban pushes far-right agenda in call for ‘change’ at EU • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 10/09/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English