Iran is ‘fully prepared for war’ amid looming Israeli retaliation

Iran is ‘fully prepared for war’ amid looming Israeli retaliation

Tensions between Iran and Israel are reaching a boiling point, with Iranian officials stating that they are “fully prepared for war” as the threat of Israeli retaliation looms. FRANCE 24’s correspondent Saeed Azimi is reporting from Tehran, giving viewers a glimpse into the mood in the city as well as the ongoing behind-the-scenes diplomacy aimed at preventing a large-scale regional conflict.

The saber-rattling between Iran and Israel has been escalating in recent days, with both sides trading threats and accusations. Iran’s declaration of readiness for war comes amidst heightened tensions in the region, stemming from Israel’s airstrikes on Iranian targets in Syria and Iran’s support for militant groups in the region.

The situation is fraught with danger, as any misstep by either side could spiral into a full-blown conflict with devastating consequences for the entire region. Diplomatic efforts are underway to try and defuse the situation, with world leaders urging both Iran and Israel to exercise restraint and seek peaceful solutions to their differences.

As the world watches anxiously, the stakes are high and the consequences of a conflict between Iran and Israel could be catastrophic. It remains to be seen whether cooler heads will prevail and prevent a descent into war, or if the region will be plunged into yet another bloody conflict.

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Video “Iran says it is ‘fully prepared for war’ as Israeli retaliation looms • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 10/13/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English