Record 125 Chinese Aircraft Spotted Near Taiwan, French News Outlet Reports

Record 125 Chinese Aircraft Spotted Near Taiwan, French News Outlet Reports

Taiwan detected a record number of Chinese aircraft near the island on Monday, with a total of 125 planes being identified by military officials. This increase in Chinese military activity comes after Beijing initiated military drills in the region, raising tensions between the two countries.

Lieutenant General Hsieh Jih-sheng, a senior intelligence official in Taiwan’s defense ministry, described the 125 aircraft as a “record single day high” that the country has observed so far. The presence of such a large number of Chinese planes near Taiwan highlights the ongoing military tensions between the two countries, with Taiwan closely monitoring Beijing’s actions in the region.

The escalation in Chinese military activity near Taiwan comes at a time when relations between the two countries are already strained, with Beijing viewing Taiwan as a renegade province that must be reunified with the mainland. Taiwan, on the other hand, maintains its independence and has sought to strengthen its military capabilities in response to increased Chinese aggression.

As the situation in the Taiwan Strait continues to escalate, the international community will be closely watching the actions of both Taiwan and China, with any further military developments likely to have wider geopolitical implications.

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Video “Taiwan detects ‘record’ 125 Chinese aircraft near island • FRANCE 24 English” was uploaded on 10/14/2024 to Youtube Channel FRANCE 24 English