WSJ Equipped: U.S. Army Laser Disintegrates Drones Using  Beams, Costing M

WSJ Equipped: U.S. Army Laser Disintegrates Drones Using $3 Beams, Costing $10M

The development of high-powered laser technology is revolutionizing the way militaries around the world combat low-tech drones on the battlefield. In a recent video released by the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. Army showcased a cutting-edge $10 million laser system capable of melting drones with $3 beams.

In countries like Ukraine and the Red Sea, drones have become a key tool in modern warfare, offering a cost-effective way for armed groups to gather intelligence and launch attacks. As a result, governments like the United States are investing heavily in advanced laser technology to counter this growing threat.

The video demonstrates how the U.S. Army’s laser system can quickly and effectively destroy drones from long distances, using beams that cost only a few dollars each. This remarkable precision and affordability make lasers an attractive solution for defending against drone attacks in various combat scenarios.

With the rise of drone technology, it is clear that traditional military strategies are evolving to keep pace with modern threats. The implementation of high-powered lasers is just one example of how militaries are adapting to the changing landscape of warfare, emphasizing the importance of innovation and technology in maintaining national security.

Watch the video by The Wall Street Journal

Video “This $10M U.S. Army Laser Melts Drones With $3 Beams | WSJ Equipped” was uploaded on 10/15/2024 to Youtube Channel The Wall Street Journal