John Kelly Warns Trump’s Belief that Hitler “Did Some Good Things”

John Kelly Warns Trump’s Belief that Hitler “Did Some Good Things”

Former White House chief of staff John Kelly has sounded the alarm about former president Donald Trump’s past comments, revealing that Trump believed Adolf Hitler “did some good things” and admired dictators. Kelly has labeled Trump as falling within the definition of a fascist, making him the only president to have rejected the core values of America. These explosive revelations from within the Trump administration have sparked concerns about what a potential second Trump administration could entail. While Trump’s current team is denying Kelly’s claims, Democratic candidate Kamala Harris’s team is using them to underscore the threat they believe Trump poses. In their view, Kelly’s comments serve as a window into Trump’s true self and highlight the absence of guardrails in a potential second term. The implications of Trump’s alleged admiration for dictators and fascists are raising eyebrows and drawing attention to his character.

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Video “Trump believed Hitler “did some good things,” ex-chief of staff John Kelly warns” was uploaded on 10/24/2024 to Youtube Channel Global News