“The Return of October” is a heartwarming tale of love, loss, and the power of belief in reincarnation. Terry Ramsey, played by Terry Moore, is devastated by the sudden death of her beloved uncle Willie, who shares her passion for horses. However, hope is renewed when she encounters a horse that seems to embody the spirit of her uncle. As Ramsey navigates the challenges of proving her sanity against her conniving relatives, Dame May Whitty plays the role of her scheming aunt with chilling effectiveness. With the help of Professor Glenn Ford, Ramsey must fight to protect her inheritance and honor her uncle’s legacy. The film is a captivating blend of drama, mystery, and the unbreakable bond between humans and animals. Directed by an unknown director, “The Return of October” is a must-watch for fans of classic cinema and heartfelt storytelling.
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Video “The Return of October FULL MOVIE | (Terry Moore, Glenn Ford, May Whitty) STREAM CITY” was uploaded on 07/20/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
I enjoyed that. Thank you.
Cute cute cute
Terry Moore still kicking at 95.
Just try and tell Terry Ramsay 'no'. I dare you! She's a delightful force of nature, lovingly portrayed by Terry Moore.
They can't make a charming, light hearted movie today without making it so schmaltzy that most adults can't get interested. If not pure syrup they have to add sex or violence or car chases to get folks in theater seats. I'm just so not interested. The older films tell us a good story. Well written, well acted, well directed.
Not a single mention of the cat on IMDb. That awesomely cooperative kitty.
If you like to gamble the track is fun
I would put this movie over the The Big Heat
Terry Moore never really made it as a big star in Hollywood,for me this picture explains why and Glenn Ford went on to be a star big time; looks like somewhere along the line he learnt important acting lessons,she never did even though at first sight she was well equipped to do so she just died on the vine over acting a part .
Fun movie …… entertaining …… the most important element of any movie
Boy, they really knew how to tell stories in those days. Hollywood would be incapable of duplicating this simple tender tale today. Thank you for the upload!
Darby O'Gill?
Good movie
Great movie. Fine actors and script. Thanks for the upload 🙂
The best
Healthy films long gone😢
Terry Moore….beautiful, sweet TM…soooo many of her movies we Boomers enjoyed as kids.
Married to Howard hughes
Dont really care for Terry Moore
What are marvelous film?
Very entertaining psychological comedy-romance. Glenn Ford and Terry Moore have great chemistry and carry-off the unusual story line.
Great flick! Thanks, Stream City!
I love this movie I hope I get to see more like it
A. Fantastic. And. Amazing. Classic. Movie. 🎬 whit. A. Perfect. Script. And. Story 🌌 must. See. Movie. 😅😂 with. Tarific. Top. Cast 📽 💯💥💫💢 thanks. For. Uploading. 👌😂👌
5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Movie a must see 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁👁
We love Uncle Willy! Great movie!
It's amazing how much study of psychological patterns have been explored by the director and screenplay writer for presenting the character of Terry Moore, great job.
They should make more movies like this one…😂😂😂 love to see the books of the estate…😅😅😅
👏A fun film with great acting and warm portrayal of human emotion.👍
I think she was the schnookle. Annoying 🙄🙄
Thanks!!! Glenn Ford YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RobbGF
Terry Moore playing "Terry" is still alive at 95 Y.O. In 1984 she posed naked in Playboy Magazine.