Fans of the beloved Disney Channel series “Wizards of Waverly Place” were in for a treat as the stars reunited for a special project titled “Wizards Beyond Waverly Place.” In a behind-the-scenes look, we see stars David Henry, Janice LeAnn Brown, Max Matenko, Alkaio Thiele and Mimi Gianopulos gather to revisit the wizards’ lair and reminisce about their time on the show.
One of the most emotional moments of the reunion was when OG star Selena Gomez, who played Alex Russo on the original series, returned to record a new version of the iconic theme song. David Henry, who played Justin Russo, shared that it was a surreal experience to see Selena back in the wizards’ world and that the nostalgia hit him hard. He expressed his joy at being able to work with Selena again and how much she has grown as an artist since their time on the show.
Janice LeAnn Brown, who played Theresa Russo, also shared her excitement at reuniting with Selena and the rest of the cast. She mentioned how special it was to be back on set and how grateful she was for the opportunity to revisit such a beloved show.
Max Matenko, Alkaio Thiele, and Mimi Gianopulos all echoed similar sentiments, expressing their love for the show and the bond they shared with their castmates. They all agreed that working on “Wizards Beyond Waverly Place” was a dream come true and that they were grateful for the support of the fans who have continued to show love for the show.
Overall, the reunion of the “Wizards of Waverly Place” cast was a heartwarming experience for both the stars and the fans. The magic of the show lives on, and with the return of Selena Gomez, it was truly a nostalgic moment for all involved. Fans can’t wait to see what other surprises the cast has in store for them in the future.
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Video “Wizards Beyond Waverly Place: David Henry on EMOTIONAL Selena Gomez Reunion and More OG Returns!” was uploaded on 10/30/2024 to Youtube Channel Entertainment Tonight
Nobody with any acting talent in this show.
Misplaced nostalgia and a quick $greed is the reason for this bad show coming back completely different 😂😂
Talk about bad karma. selena talks like she has cotton stuffed in her mouth from whatever facial work she got done. Botched, the cokebod days over, looking so old is pure karma for bullying other women all her life in jealousy. 🪃 Pathetic PR fake disney image is over
Worse acting than I remember! SO BAD. Can’t imagine watching 💩 for nostalgia when so many good actors and shows exist
just watched the first episode and it's actually surprisingly good. it's obvious all the actors and production crew put a lot of love into making the sequel.
yeah I watched it first episode it was pretty good it funny. I don't watched the original Wizard which is most popular Disney Channel. I saw was pretty sad that Selena Gomez only stay that one episode which she suppose to be main character actually the kids but she just stay that first episode until then that it would ever see Gomez again next episode?
so why does justin still have his powers doesnt he have to give them up to be with a mortal?
I watched the first 8 episodes and as a fan of the original I actually really enjoyed the reboot.
good david loves wizards
Wizards Beyond Waverly Place made me so emotional! Seeing Alex & Justin reunite after all these years! The scene between Billie & Justin of him accepting her as a part of the Russo family despite her mistakes is so beautiful it made me cry!
Wizards Beyond Waverly Place Is Not On Disney+ When It’s Supposed To Be Today
i hope for more alex and justin collab! the fact the more OG will return is so amazing!! lets all pray alex and harper see a funky hat!
He didnt change at all
I watched the first 4 episodes this dude is truly a genius and funny.
Who loves this show cause i do baby!!!
I’m 32 & I grew up with Wizards of Waverly Place, it was my favorite show & I still rewatch all the seasons on Disney+ lol. I didn’t think I was going to like the reboot because I’m so stuck on the original but so far I’m enjoying it. Low-key wished Selena was in the show a lot more though.
My name is Travis Bernardini I am 33 years old I like Wizards of Waverly Place beyond Waverly Place I like it it’s really good
Please get this man's name right! HENRIE!!
It’s crazy how bro doesn’t age