Why Are There So Many 50 Writers On My Song? | Billboard Latin Music Week 2024
The video titled “Why Are There So Many 50 Writers On My Song?” from Billboard Latin Music Week 2024 discusses the trend of having multiple songwriters credited on a single song in the music industry. The panel of experts at the event delves into the reasons behind this phenomenon and how it impacts the creative process and final product.
The video highlights the collaborative nature of songwriting in today’s music landscape, where artists often work with a team of writers to create hit songs. It explores the benefits of having multiple perspectives and ideas contributing to a song, as well as the challenges that can arise when navigating the dynamics of a writing team.
The panelists share their insights and experiences in working with multiple writers, discussing the importance of communication, trust, and creativity in the songwriting process. They also touch on the business side of things, including how song credits are determined and how royalties are distributed among the writers.
Overall, the video provides an in-depth look at the complexities of songwriting in the modern music industry and offers valuable insights for both aspiring and established artists.
Watch the video by Billboard
Video “Why Are There So Many 50 Writers On My Song? | Billboard Latin Music Week 2024” was uploaded on 10/24/2024 to Youtube Channel Billboard
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De todas las entrevistas, esta es mi favorita, y la de los venezolanos
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Capacidad, habilidad para hacer algo.
Manifestación de la actividad humana mediante la cual se interpreta lo real o se plasma lo imaginado con recursos plásticos, lingüísticos o sonoros.
En mi opinión personal el crédito lo merece el autor original de la obra y se otorgaría un reconocimiento como ayudante a alguien que aportó pero sin afectar el devido crédito al autor