Interlude, a captivating drama directed by Kevin Billington, follows the story of Stefan Zelter, a middle-aged symphony conductor portrayed by the talented Oskar Werner. After a candid remark to a young journalist named Sally, played by Barbara Ferris, Stefan’s personal and professional life takes an unexpected turn. Seeking solace, he embarks on a vacation where he unexpectedly meets Sally again, sparking a passionate and complicated affair.
The stellar performances of Werner, Ferris, and Virginia Maskell as Stefan’s wife Antonia, combined with the beautiful cinematography, draw viewers into the emotional turmoil of Stefan’s infidelity. The film delicately explores themes of love, betrayal, and the consequences of our choices.
Interlude is a thought-provoking and poignant film that will leave audiences reflecting on the complexities of relationships and the power of love. With a talented cast and a compelling storyline, this timeless classic is a must-watch for fans of drama and romance.
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Video “Interlude FULL MOVIE | (Oskar Werner, Barbara Ferris, Virginia Maskell) STREAM CITY” was uploaded on 10/22/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
Beautiful movie..
This is an adult topic and presented in an adult and fair way. Without hysterics or severe moral judgements and guilt, it takes a look into relations most of us can relate to. Both sides were considered in the story. We all have heard of or experienced this in our own lives. I like and appreciate a film such as this. It was well worth watching. Great acting and an interesting story.
Rest in eternal peace, dearest Oskar Werner. 🕯️🙏😢💔🥀
Kudos to the lesser-known actors in this film who went on to become stars, Thank you.
I'm viewing a lot of wasted scenes and no further action of the plot