In the highly anticipated live-action adaptation of the beloved animated film series, “How to Train Your Dragon” follows the story of a young Viking, played by Mason Thames, who dreams of becoming a dragon hunter like his ancestors. However, his life takes a drastic turn when he encounters a young dragon and forms an unlikely bond with the creature.
As their friendship grows, the young Viking must navigate the challenges of his society and prove that dragons and humans can coexist peacefully. With stunning visual effects and heartwarming moments, this epic tale explores themes of friendship, acceptance, and the power of understanding.
Featuring a talented cast including Nico Parker and Gerard Butler, “How to Train Your Dragon” promises to be an unforgettable cinematic experience for audiences of all ages. Don’t miss this thrilling adventure when it hits theaters on June 13, 2025. Subscribe to KinoCheck for all the latest updates and exclusive content.
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Video “HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON Trailer (2025) Live-Action” was uploaded on 11/19/2024 to Youtube Channel
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