The trailer for “On Becoming a Guinea Fowl” introduces viewers to a suspenseful and intriguing story set in Zambia. The trailer kicks off with a tense moment as Shula discovers her uncle’s lifeless body on a deserted road in the dead of night. This discovery sets off a chain of events that unravels the hidden truths and dark secrets of the protagonist’s middle-class family.
As the family comes together to mourn their loss, Shula and her cousins find themselves delving deeper into the mysteries surrounding their family history. The trailer hints at the complexities of their relationships, as well as the struggles they face in confronting the turbulent past that has shaped their present.
The film promises to be a gripping exploration of family dynamics, secrets, and the enduring impact of the past on the present. With a talented cast led by Susan Chardy and Roy Chisha, “On Becoming a Guinea Fowl” looks set to be a thought-provoking and emotionally charged cinematic experience. Stay tuned for its release in 2024.
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Video “On Becoming a Guinea Fowl Trailer #1 (2024 Movie) Susan Chardy, Roy Chisha” was uploaded on 11/15/2024 to Dailymotion Channel Zero Trailers
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