“DECAY: NUCLEAR ZOMBIES” is a thrilling action movie that takes viewers on a high-octane ride through the dangers of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The film follows a group of PhD students who find themselves in a terrifying situation when the particle accelerator malfunctions, turning the maintenance crew into zombies.
Starring Zoë Hatherell, Tom Procter, and Stewart Martin-Haugh, and directed by Luke Thompson and Michael Mazur, “DECAY: NUCLEAR ZOMBIES” delivers non-stop suspense and excitement as the students must navigate CERN’s maintenance tunnels while evading the zombie threat.
With a TV-MA certificate, this movie is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its action-packed sequences and mysterious plot. If you’re a fan of sci-fi, mystery, and crime genres, “DECAY: NUCLEAR ZOMBIES” is a must-watch.
Join the exclusive members area for access to the best cult uncut film premieres and don’t forget to check out the Sci-Fi-CHANNEL for more exciting films from the genre. With a new movie released every day, there’s always something new to discover and enjoy. Get ready for a pulse-pounding experience with “DECAY: NUCLEAR ZOMBIES” and immerse yourself in a world filled with danger and suspense.
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Video “DECAY: NUCLEAR ZOMBIES 🎬 Exclusive Full Thriller Action Movie Premiere 🎬 English HD 2024” was uploaded on 08/05/2024 to Youtube Channel WATCH ACTION MOVIES NOW
it will be real! so is not a fiction, the apocalypste time soon this year maybe… or before 2030 ! Cern it real ! no vaccin that no good il va avoir une mutation de gens hybrides aussi etc Jesus revient bientot croyez en lui vous verrez de toute facon alors vous allez forcement y croire. Les chretiems sont protégés pr lui…Donner votre vie a Jesus! Le pire qui peut arriver cest d'aller au paradis!!! Allez l'enfer existe vraiment Dieu est un Dieu juste, le paradis n,est pas un bordel ! soyez benis
Vous aller vivre un terrible enfer durant la guerre bref tournez vous vers Jesus!
Muy mala… trama tonta…😊