“Dinosaur Prison” is a thrilling action-adventure film that takes audiences on a heart-pounding journey into a futuristic world where dinosaurs are brought back to life and imprisoned. Directed by Tyler-James and written by Magdalena Drahovska, the film follows former detective Jake, played by Simon Ellis, as he navigates the chaos that ensues when the security at the dinosaur prison fails.
As Jake and his team, portrayed by Rob Kirtley and Marcus Massey, find themselves trapped with the dangerous creatures, they must fight for survival in a high-stakes battle against extinction. The tension rises as they attempt to escape the prison and prevent the dinosaurs from wreaking havoc on the outside world.
With a mix of action, adventure, and thriller elements, “Dinosaur Prison” keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they witness the struggle for survival in a world where humans are no longer at the top of the food chain. This film is a must-watch for any fan of adrenaline-pumping cinema.
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Video “Full Action Adventure Movie / A prison for dinosaurs becomes a survival nightmare / Dinosaur Prison” was uploaded on 11/20/2024 to Youtube Channel Kinopower
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watching from the Philippines❤❤
Campy, fun. I turn on Black&White for that old-timey 50s-60s feeling of the senseless but fun Dino flics I grew up with.
Totally pointless, as a good Dino flick should be!
Dinosaur prison 2023
No one' is thinking,that maybe real not the movie that already is happening??? They have the all DNA of mammoth 🦣 that's means they can creative but no they want to blend with an 🐘why??? because 🐘is very smart and they hate people they want them as a weapon,why after all this year's we haven't saw a🦣 think 🤔 smart!!!
Good movie thanks you very much God bless you all 🙏🙏💕💕
The women wear more make up than the dinosaurs
Trash trash !! Shit !!
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Wow, this movie looks super intriguing! I love the concept of a dinosaur prison; it really adds a unique twist to the action genre. But honestly, I wonder if the portrayal of dinosaurs here is a bit exaggerated? It feels like they might be leaning too much into the "monsters" aspect rather than accurately depicting them as the fascinating creatures they were. What do you all think?