The Strange One (1957) is a gripping drama that delves into the complexities of power, manipulation, and morality within a military academy. Ben Gazzara shines as Cadet Jocko de Paris, a charismatic and cunning student who wields control over his peers with ease. With the reluctant assistance of his roommate, Harry (Pat Hingle), Jocko orchestrates schemes to outsmart his teachers and bend the rules to his advantage.
However, Jocko’s reign of influence faces a formidable challenge when he targets freshman Robert Marquales, played by the talented George Peppard. As Jocko’s manipulative tactics escalate, the stage is set for a dramatic confrontation that will ultimately lead to his undoing.
Directed by Jack Garfein and based on the novel “End as a Man” by Calder Willingham, The Strange One is a compelling character study that explores the dark side of ambition and the consequences of unchecked power. The stellar performances by the cast, including the dynamic chemistry between Gazzara and Peppard, elevate the film to a must-watch for cinephiles and fans of classic cinema.
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Video “The Strange One (1957) | FREE MOVIE (Ben Gazzara, George Peppard)” was uploaded on 12/05/2024 to Youtube Channel Stream City
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