“Out of Control” is a gripping survival drama action movie that follows the story of eight teens whose graduation trip takes a dangerous turn when their seaplane crashes on a deserted island. Stranded and faced with the threat of drug smugglers using the island for their illegal activities, the group must band together to survive.
The movie, released in 1984, stars Martin Hewitt, Betsy Russell, and Claudia Udy, and is directed by Allan Holzman. The intense storyline is written by Sandra Weintraub, Vicangelo Bulluck, and Daniel Grodnik, promising a thrilling and suspenseful viewing experience.
With a TV-MA certificate, “Out of Control” is packed with action, suspense, mystery, and drama, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre. Join the members area to enjoy the best cult uncut film premieres and delve into the thrilling world of survival on a deserted island.
For those who enjoy science fiction and fantasy, be sure to check out the Sci-Fi-CHANNEL for a handpicked selection of exciting films in the genre. With a new movie released every day, there’s always something new and captivating to watch.
Experience the adrenaline-pumping adventure of “Out of Control” and get ready for an unforgettable cinematic journey filled with excitement and danger.
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Video “OUT OF CONTROL 🎬 Exclusive Full Survival Drama Action Movie Premiere 🎬 English HD 2024” was uploaded on 12/24/2024 to Youtube Channel WATCH ACTION MOVIES NOW
Tame & tedious with lame actors.
The opening is a bunch of crap.
The best movie ever made !!
All the screaming at 1:06:45 is a small sample of the screaming in hell.