In the wake of devastating wildfires in California, actress Jennifer Garner is utilizing her platform to bring aid to those affected by the natural disasters. Working alongside Chef José Andrés and through her partnership with Save the Children, Garner is using her “celebrity privilege” for good by providing support to the community.
In an interview with NBC News’ Tom Llamas, Garner shared her dedication to assisting California residents during this difficult time. With her resources and connections, she is able to make a tangible impact on the lives of those in need.
Garner’s collaboration with Chef José Andrés highlights the power of celebrities using their influence for positive change. By leveraging her status, Garner is able to raise awareness and rally support for those experiencing hardship in the wake of the wildfires.
As the fires continue to ravage communities in California, Garner’s efforts serve as a reminder of the importance of coming together to support one another in times of crisis. Her commitment to making a difference showcases the impact that can be achieved when individuals use their privilege for the greater good.
Watch the video by NBC News
Video “Jennifer Garner using 'celebrity privilege' to aid Californians affected by wildfires” was uploaded on 01/11/2025 to Youtube Channel NBC News
Stop voting for Democrats!
Please contribute to hunters go fund his china bribe money burned the big guy isn't happy
Jennifer Gardner has a heart.
Jennifer Garner = pure class.
All of this “co creates and be gods hands” crap isn’t going to fix the problems! Instead you need to stop pushing the liberal progressive ideology of the Democrats!
I strongly dislike her politics but respect this immensely. Class act on her part.
Trump told newscum and the mayor two months ago to be prepared for this and they didn’t wanna listen. The man wins at Everything should’ve listened.
Thank you jen garner, we all love you and thank you for being a irl super hero in this time
shes so good ❤
I'm happy to have seen her triumphant return the Marvel movies and her direction to help with community recovery.
This land cannot support these cities. They have no money in the coffers. California is billions of dollars in the red.
It has zero chance.
Federal government should just buy the land. Turn it into a national forest.
Farmland can still be farmed. But let's get these people out of this hellhole called California.
The rest of the country cannot afford to keep pumping hundreds of billions of dollars into a failed state.
The billionaires ought to take a lesson from the millionaires. Friggin oligarchs.
Expect more preaching @their useless award shows looks good on all the Hollyweird devils
It's good to see a Hollywood Celebrity doing whatever she can to help. I see that Jennifer Garner is more of a Family Orientated Actress.
Did she lose her house?
This is how the countries that 🇺🇸invades remain, such as Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza, etc., only that 🇺🇸they are going to take human lives for greed and natural resources; here in 🇺🇸 human lives were saved. 🇺🇸has generated a lot of karma and now those who cause it and the descendants pay 🤷🏼
Another trash liberal celebrity try to appease her guilt
It’s bc of her that I will stream 13 going on 30 a million times! What an angel! ❤️💐
She is a woke Democrat
she's a genuinely nice person. she has a history of being a caring person. she doesn't just pop up to get a photo taken. she's the real deal.
God bless her. She 🙏❤🇺🇸
Who's Jennifer Garner?