Iconic soap opera actor Eric Braeden, best known for his role as Victor Newman on ‘The Young and the Restless’, recently made an emotional return to his home that was lost in the devastating Los Angeles fires. In an exclusive interview with ET’s Kevin Frazier, the 83-year-old star opened up about the heartbreak of seeing his family’s house in Pacific Palisades reduced to ashes, a home that held special memories for him over the past 45 years.
As Eric bravely walked through the charred remains of his former residence, he shared poignant stories of buying the property many years ago and the significance it held for him and his loved ones. The actor’s emotions were raw and palpable as he recounted the memories and cherished moments that took place within those walls, making it all the more heartbreaking to witness the destruction caused by the fires.
Despite the devastation, Eric Braeden remains determined to rebuild and restore his beloved home, a decision driven by his deep connection to the property and his desire to hold onto the cherished memories associated with it. The strength and resilience displayed by the veteran actor in the face of such a devastating loss serves as a poignant reminder of the power of hope and the human spirit in times of adversity.
As fans and viewers witness Eric Braeden’s emotional journey back to his lost home, they are sure to be moved by the actor’s unwavering love and commitment to rebuilding a place that holds such sentimental value. Through this exclusive interview, the audience is given a rare glimpse into Eric’s personal life and the profound impact that losing his home has had on him, further solidifying his status as a beloved and respected figure both on and off the screen.
Watch the video by Entertainment Tonight
Video “Y&R Star Eric Braeden Makes Emotional Return to Home Lost to LA Fires (Exclusive)” was uploaded on 01/11/2025 to Youtube Channel Entertainment Tonight
Absolutely heartbreaking. 💔
So sorry this happened to you and others 💓
Oh poor Eric, so heartbreaking! My sympathy's go out to him and everyone who lost their homes.
If my grandmother was still living, she would be crying right now. She loved her Victor Newman🙏🙏🙏
I just love this man. Prayers for EVERYONE that lost their homes or a loved one. 😢
Oh, wow — look at this man's home!! He has EVERY right to show and experience his emotions of his lost — 🙏🙏