Amidst the devastating wildfires that are currently spreading throughout Los Angeles, several Hollywood stars are coming together to give back to those affected by the destruction. Angelina Jolie, known for her humanitarian efforts around the world, has been using her platform to spread awareness about the fires and encourage others to donate to relief efforts.
Halle Berry, who calls Los Angeles her home, has also been vocal about the importance of supporting the communities affected by the wildfires. The actress has been using her social media to share information about how people can help and has been working with local organizations to provide assistance to those in need.
Jamie Lee Curtis, another beloved actress in Hollywood, has been showing her support for the firefighters and first responders who are working tirelessly to contain the fires. She has been using her platform to raise awareness about the importance of supporting those on the front lines and has been urging her followers to donate to organizations that are providing aid to those impacted by the wildfires.
These are just a few examples of the many Hollywood stars who are coming together to give back amid the devastating fires in Los Angeles. Their efforts serve as a reminder of the importance of supporting those in need during times of crisis and coming together as a community to provide aid and assistance to those who need it most.
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Video “Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry, Jamie Lee Curtis & More Stars Are Giving Back Amid LA Fires” was uploaded on 01/12/2025 to Youtube Channel E! News