“The Krays: Mad Axeman” is a thrilling action movie that takes viewers back to Christmas 1966 when Frank Mitchell, a notorious criminal, was freed from Dartmoor Prison by the infamous Kray twins. As a national manhunt begins, Mitchell finds himself in a flat in East London with a minder and hostess for company. The tension and suspense escalate as the authorities close in, leading to a high-stakes game of cat and mouse.
Starring Diarmaid Murtagh, Morgan Watkins, and Elen Rhys, and directed by William Kerley, this TV-MA rated film promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its gripping storyline and intense action sequences. The movie is a perfect blend of mystery, crime, and thriller genres, making it a must-watch for fans of adrenaline-pumping cinema.
With a talented cast and a skilled director at the helm, “The Krays: Mad Axeman” delivers a cinematic experience that will leave viewers craving more. Get ready to immerse yourself in the dark and dangerous world of the Kray twins and their infamous escapades.
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Video “THE KRAYS: MAD AXEMAN 🎬 Exclusive Full Thriller Action Movie Premiere 🎬 English HD 2024” was uploaded on 12/17/2024 to Youtube Channel WATCH ACTION MOVIES NOW
Watching now hope it's good 😊😊
What a Story, what a gem of a Film and what a piece of brillant Art in any respect…
Thanks for uploading. ❤❤❤
I hope your running free Frank .
What a load of Bollocks. Don't waste your time!.
Watched to the end in pain at the worst acting and film I have seen for decades. Not just boring unless your 5years old but nowhere near other movies about the krays or that period. Essex boys was the only one to be any good mainly getting the actors correct and a decent script.
Erotic thrillers is better
I no lets escape from prison but have only 2 weeks left anyway lol
Well what can I say. Not sure what I just watched.
Great movie. I thought the big fella played the loose cannon role well.
Tense in large sections.👍
Good movie, great even. The only real issue I had was with the movie name. Even though they where mentioned a few times, "The Krays" do not need to be part of the movie title. The title should be just "The Mad Axe Man"
Terrible load of nonsense
that was ok
a enjoyed that not a bad movie at all
I needed to see the comments first to see how bad this film will be ….as it seems it stank YouTube out I will watch it for the laugh as far as I can .
Is this a JOKE ?
What a load of …..
Wot a freaking DRAG this crap was . . . Gave up on it halfway