Until Dawn is a gripping horror movie that follows Clover and her friends as they embark on a harrowing journey to uncover the truth behind her sister’s mysterious disappearance. Set in a remote valley, the group finds themselves trapped in a nightmarish loop where they are stalked by a masked killer and brutally murdered, only to wake up and relive the same terrifying evening over and over again.
Directed by a visionary filmmaker, the film keeps audiences on the edge of their seats as the group realizes that they must survive until dawn in order to escape their seemingly endless cycle of death and despair. Each time the killer threat evolves, becoming more sinister and unpredictable, pushing the group to their limits and testing their will to survive.
Featuring a talented cast of up-and-coming actors, Until Dawn is a thrilling rollercoaster ride of suspense, chills, and unexpected twists that will leave viewers breathless until the very end. With a unique premise and haunting atmosphere, this film is a must-watch for horror enthusiasts looking for a fresh and spine-tingling cinematic experience.
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Video “UNTIL DAWN Official Trailer (2025) Horror Movie HD” was uploaded on 01/16/2025 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
this is worse than i thought,,
Bored 😅😅😅😅
Wtf is that. Is it this difficult to base the movie on the damn source material? Jesus Christ.
This is funny. I told my son just watch in the comment. Sections, people are going to hate this movie before they even give it an honest watch. Because that's the type of world we live in, and it didn't let me down
So basically it's Dark Picture Anthology movie instead, cuz Until Dawn was actually good
looks good
“Every death you die, I’ll be killing you.” Stab Sumner
I think the concept is good but they pissed off a lot of these nerds by using the Until Dawn name.
Its really good dnt listen comments
This is like a bastard inbred of 'Until Dawn' and something like 'Happy Death Day'. Why did they call it 'Until Dawn'? A typical game to movie adaption I guess.
A carbon copy of the game Until Dawn would of worked as a film or Limited One Season run of like 10 episodes. They could of shown each way they die when they come to make a choice you know, to make the viewer shout at the TV 'NOOOO!' If they made the wrong choice or a sigh with relief when they made the right one, that would be exciting to watch because you would never know what choice is going to be just that it's one of 2 or 3.
That or literally carbon copy the games story and the writers can choose who lives or dies. Also it is important to have an attractive cast both male and female, when I watch TV or a movie I don't want to be staring at a normal ugly I see walking down the street everyday unless they are the bad guy/girl lol, representation means shit to me just make some Hollywood magic that used to exist.
This will be absolute dog shit. Nothing like the game. Just play the remastered version on ps5 and ignore this rubbish when it releases.
Don't use the name of a game for a movie if you're not going to actually base it off the video game! I'd give this movie a try if it was under a different name or if they actually had it done just like the video game. This movie is gonna flop.
Might be good. I'll check it out.
This seems like it would be a decent horror game. 😂