In the upcoming horror film “MOM”, director Jeremy Black takes audiences on a chilling journey through the mind of a woman struggling with postnatal depression. Starring Sarah Mitchell as Meredith, the film delves into the dark and terrifying world of mental illness and the devastating effects it can have on a person’s life.
As Meredith grapples with feelings of alienation and isolation from her husband, played by James Thompson, she begins to experience haunting visions that foreshadow an impending tragedy. The trailer sets a tense and eerie tone, hinting at the horrors that await Meredith as she delves deeper into her own psyche.
With a haunting score and stunning visuals, “MOM” promises to be a psychological thriller that will leave audiences on the edge of their seats. Black’s direction and Mitchell’s performance promise to deliver an intense and gripping experience that will leave a lasting impact on viewers.
As the trailer teases the horrors that Meredith will face, it also raises important questions about mental health and the way society views and treats those who suffer from mental illnesses. “MOM” promises to be a thought-provoking and terrifying exploration of the darkness that can lurk within us all.
Watch the video by Rapid Trailer
Video “MOM Official Trailer (2025) Horror Movie HD” was uploaded on 01/21/2025 to Youtube Channel Rapid Trailer
Absolutely not. Post partum depression is a real horror in the world that is not recognized and treated like it should be. I love horror movies but won't be watching this one.
I will check this out. While post partum is a very real thing, I think that a Horror film could make it scary without over exaggerating the symptoms.
Looks good.
As soon as I saw uncorked 🙄
I won’t lie, the fear of postpartum is a huge factor in me not having kids. I just know in my heart something would happen. I just can’t.
Nope. LAME.