Adolf Hitler’s life, from his early years to his rise to power, is marked by ambition, failure, and radical ideology. Born in 1889, Hitler aspired to be an artist but faced rejection, leading him to a bohemian life in Vienna, where he developed deep anti-Semitic views. After serving as a soldier in World War I and being devastated by Germany’s defeat, he joined the German Workers’ Party, later becoming the leader of the Nazi Party. His oratory skills and radical nationalist ideas gained him a significant following. Following the failed 1923 Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler was imprisoned and wrote Mein Kampf, which outlined his ideology. By 1933, Hitler became Chancellor, establishing a totalitarian regime. His anti-Semitic policies culminated in the Holocaust, and his expansionist ambitions led to World War II in 1939, causing the deadliest conflict in history. Hitler’s transformation from a failed artist to a dictator shaped modern history.
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Video “Hitler: The rise of a criminal” was uploaded on 09/23/2024 to Youtube Channel Best Documentary
No se a quien me hace acordar …… (por lo gran, estos personajes son en el fondo muy cobardes )
Criminosos são os que estão a destruir a Europa.
Stalin y Mao fueron mucho más criminales que Adolf Hitler. Comunismo más de 100 millones de cadáveres, nazismo 17 millones.
Hitler foi um lixo
Soon … Trump : The rise of a criminal
Byl někým dosazen…
Soy de bolivia, de joven pensaba que hitler era un tirano asesino,pero tenía razón sobre los comunistas y ahora estamos a merced de ellos
We have elected a president with the same ideals. He wants to create mass deportation, save America from the enemy within,make America great, promises to make the economy great, has created an organization called MAGA, is a fan of dictators and fascist, believes Hitler had great generals, views himself as the father of the nation, is extreme right wing and surrounds himself with devouted followers, is a narcissist liar and racist. A total sociopath and lives in an alternate reality.He wants to control all media and persecute all who oppose him. Sounds familiar. History seems to repeat itself. God protect us!!!
Muito desrespeito situar somente os judeus como se fossem as únicas vítimas? Assim fica muito pretensioso e os ciganos ,homos e os opositores as crianças especiais? Hoje é preciso fazer uma correção nos fatos
Tan parecido a lo que hizo López Obrador en México… Que tristeza que la ignorancia reine en mi país y repita, de algún modo, es impactante sus estrategias, sus maneras tan parecidas.
Hitler has died in some part of Patagonia, in 1965. I personally saw the private photo of Hitler on moribund. He had one eye open that looked at the photographer, and other eye closed. Which indicates that he lived long enough to live in fear of Jewish vengeance. And also tells me that Jews stated to regain the power in the middle sixties, when Hitler died in terrible fear of being killed or abducted.
In Brazil we have a Jair Bolsonaro, who looks a lot like Hitler
the only criminals were those who opposed Hitler because they were envious of his abilities to unite his people.
Los títulos de estos videos son tan ridiculos!!
Die Verbrecher sassen wie heute im Ausland.
War das deutsche Volk ein Komplize Hitlers? Nein, er wurde seinerzeit verehrt! Der kluge und charismatische Anführer war zu seiner Zeit ein großartiger Anführer!
He united the germans under one flag. And was a fact. All of the other things are facts written by the winners.
Κάτσε τώρα 6 000 000 Εβραίοι δεν είναι υπερβολικά μεγάλο νούμερο μάλλον 60 000 θέλουν να πουν
Il était soutenu par les forces du Mal pour échapper à tant d'attentats !
Mao, Stalin etc étaient tout autant criminels 😢😢😢
All life lives forever happy for all eternity is all criminals want
¿Porque toda la segunda guerra mundial se centra en la muerte de los judíos
Les recuerdo que murieron 50 millones de seres humanos
Acaso sus muertes no cuentan como genocidio
El ascenso de un criminal…según EEUU.. Hiroshima y Nagasaki les mandan sus recuerdos
7 40
0:07 0:07 0:07
Holocausto : Genocidio realizado en la actualidad por los Judios a los Palestinos de la franja de Gaza y que oculta el periodismo y los medios.
Un documental muy sesgado.
Hitler started as a radical but evolved into a criminal
Im Grunde eine gute Dokumentation. Nur leider habe ich oft den Eindruck, dass KI einige Teile spricht. Das ist schade.
No le gustaba mucho trabajar
32:20 Hitler "escaped nearly eleven attempts on his life." So, ten?
Churchill murdered 3.5 million bengali indians in the Famines of 1943. What have we seen Churchill being sentence to death penalty in some indian court? When are we seeing the rise of that criminal? Or dictator Stalin, who murdered 6 million ukrainians in the holodomor?
Hitler simply gave the people what they wanted. A license to kill and steal.. Mostly from Jews, but others too. That was the secret of his rise.
Wien Eintausendneunhundertzehn – da weisst schon die Qualität von dem trash hier
rudolf hess n,est jamais devenu commandant d,auschwitz…c,etait rudolf hoss…enorme erreur
Hitler et Staline, deux criminels sanguinaires
Son père aurait mieux fait de se faire une segue
Je to noví film
Hitler c'est le papa de bibi Netanyoupin.
Hitler rozhodně nebyl největším zabijákem 20tého století, lžete, furt dokola všichni lžou.
Judeus,ciganos e prisioneiros de guerra, principalmente russos
and netanyahu? isn't he a criminal?