In the TEDxNTUE talk titled “未知焦慮X共處前行” by 蘇益賢, the speaker dives into the concept of unknown anxiety and how we can navigate it together. 蘇益賢 delves into the idea that anxiety often arises from facing the unknown, whether it be in our personal lives or in the world around us. He emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and accepting our anxieties rather than trying to avoid or suppress them.
Through personal anecdotes and insights, 蘇益賢 shares practical strategies for managing unknown anxiety, such as building resilience, seeking support from others, and cultivating self-awareness. He emphasizes the power of human connection in helping us navigate our fears and uncertainties, highlighting the importance of empathy, compassion, and understanding in our relationships with others.
Overall, “未知焦慮X共處前行” is a thought-provoking and inspiring talk that encourages us to embrace the unknown with courage and vulnerability, knowing that we are never alone in our struggles.
Watch the video by TEDxTalks
Author Video Description
在日常生活中,我們經常需要面對各種「未知」。這種充滿不確定性與持續變化的狀態,或許正是未來世界的常態。作為人類,我們難免因此感到焦慮。在這次分享中,臨床心理師蘇益賢將透過心理學對焦慮的深入研究,剖析未知焦慮的本質,並提出兩個應對方向,幫助聽眾更深入地了解未知焦慮,學習如何有效應對,從而自在地與未知共存。 臨床心理師,現為初色心理治療所副所長。致力於心理健康議題之大眾推廣,每年於企業學校演講達百場以上。共同創辦「心理師想跟你說」粉專在臉書已擁有超過十萬追蹤數。專長為情緒調節、壓力心理學、與正向心理學等,著有《練習不壓抑》、《練習不快樂?!》、《從此不再壓力山大》等書。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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Video “未知焦慮X共處前行 | 蘇益賢 | TEDxNTUE” was uploaded on 01/24/2025 to Youtube Channel TEDx Talks
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