The dream of commercial supersonic travel has been dormant for two decades, with the Concorde now just a relic in museums. However, companies are now investing billions to bring back Mach speed flights to the public. Business Insider’s Daniel Allen explores the challenges and obstacles that stand in the way of making this a reality. Despite the technological advancements and interest in speed, the road to supersonic travel is still fraught with difficulties. From regulatory hurdles to environmental concerns, the path to bringing back supersonic flight is indeed a daunting one. With the industry prioritizing efficiency over speed in recent years, it will take a significant shift in priorities and innovation to overcome the obstacles that make bringing back supersonic travel almost impossible.
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Video “Why Bringing Back Supersonic Is Almost Impossible | The Limit | Business Insider” was uploaded on 02/15/2025 to Youtube Channel Business Insider
First comment 😊
Your videos are a true resort for the mind and soul. Thank you for your talented channel management and amazing content!💕🪃🌑
The plane ride takes half the time …but I have to duck down to get in the door… no thanks
Concorde! 🙌
Your videos are always so high quality and interesting that time flies by when I watch them. Thank you for your work!Your work brings not only knowledge but also joy. Thank you for sharing your skills and passion with us!🐘📀🎀
Continue to delight us with your creative ideas. Your videos are a real treat.🫔🕶🏖
Your videos are not just content, they are real intellectual food. Thank you for your creativity and efforts!♦️🎁👍
Bots are out of control in the comments
Fake video and comments.
Google ticket prices for this ride…and that's why it ..first class
Look at you. You stopped simping for the Democrats for a half an hour.
I suggested you to translate your video to "HINDI". It become boom in hindi viewers. ❤❤❤
Don't think this guy is representative of the average height of people so having him complain about the size is pretty lazy comparison.
To be honest i am surprised by BusinessInSider as a channel. I really thought this was channel was about glorifying business but i am glad to be mistaken. And their side notes and questions are good ones to consider.
The concorde is one of the things I feel the worst about losing as society. Through no fault of its own it got shut down and we lost supersonic travel for the public. If that 1 piece of metal wasnt on the runway we might all be flying super sonic today.
great video
If was up to this guy man would never left the cave . For fear of hurting the environment. Beta male energy!
Traveling Concorde was an event. I am also 6’4” and didn’t care if I had to bend to use the lavs or walk the aisles. Everyone was offered a looksy into the cockpit while in flight. The seats were tight but there was ample legroom – and it was common to hear “Concorde was built for speed not comfort”.
The first cabin was the cabin to be in and most of the who’s sat there. I never was offered caviar, but BA served a mean lobster salad.
Oh, those in the know never put the word “the” in front of Concorde.
I’m sad I will never hear “flying Concorde today?”
great documentary
I learned in 34 minutes, watching this video, what could’ve taken weeks to learn or may have never learned going to school. Just getting to school and back home one day takes about 15-35 minutes. Thanks for the great info and good topics. 💪🏼 👏
Fun Fact: The video game also failed at supersonic speeds
I see mossad is trying to steal America technology once again
33:14 Ha, Katonah, guess we were neighbors 20 years ago.
Jewish insider
Why do we need this? We should be making planes more environmentally friendly, safe and efficient.
Who hired this guy? And his editor??
Quality video
The US is Far behind Russia and China's Hypersonic Missiles and have been for many Years.. Russia did a Demonstration on Ukraine and it was mind blowing,, pardon the pun… There is no defence against a Hypersonic Missile as demonstrated by Russia..