With its world renowned arts festivals, flourishing economy and collaborative tech culture, Austin, Texas has a reputation for being one of the coolest and most progressive cities in America. Companies like Apple, Tesla, Google and Samsung have opened state-of-the-art factories there and, in the past ten years, Austin has gained 500,000 inhabitants. But this city, with its extreme tolerance of minorities and ‘Keep Austin Weird’ campaign, is a democrat bubble in ultra conservative Texas.
Former policeman, Tim Enlow, has watched in disgust as the town’s liberal councillors defunded the police. He now works as a private security guard protecting one of Austin’s most notorious residents, far-right radio host and conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones. Three years ago, Jones’ twitter account, facebook page and youtube channel were all shut down for promoting hatred and glorifying violence. He complains that Austin’s new left-wing residents are bringing their ‘cultures of tyranny’ with them.
But Texas remains one of the most conservative states in America. Here you don’t need a license to buy a handgun and the state recently introduced America’s most restrictive abortion law.
Director: Tâm Melacca & Gary Grabli
Watch the video by Best Documentary
Video “Austin: America's Hippest Capital” was uploaded on 07/03/2024 to Youtube Channel Best Documentary
Uhmm, no it isn’t.
Don't forget Austin's mantra…Keep Austin Weird!
No police? They’re dismantling the very structures that attracted them there in the first place. San Francisco was once just like Austin and the ideas that destroyed that city, and others, will eventually destroy Austin, and they seem completely oblivious to it.
The ‘live and let live’ crowd always seem to want to have their own way on everything.
Austin has a lot of communists, but Olympia per capita has it beat.
Irony of ironies…..The extreme liberal push for unrestricted abortions will significantly undermine the future population of potential taxpayers, that will be desperately needed to fund their future vast social agenda.
It turned into a blue zoo
Too bad Ausin is in Texas. That's reason enough for me not to go there. It isn't one of the worst states for nothing.
Alex Jones 👍
Falta de seriedad en este documental.
America is a topic no one cares about.
It’s only capitalist liberalism that can infiltrate these conservative areas because their representatives will sell their values to the highest bidder
Great videos
25:04…He's a convicted criminal who was ordered to pay almost a billion dollars to the families he tormented for years !! A sniveling coward who bullies people…PAY YEER DUES ALEX !!! 28:06…and criminal televangelists …" boy howdy !!🤠🥳🤮…You fergot to mention Alveus Sanctuary !! That teaches people that certain animals should not be pets…😃…
Not sure if I hate Texas or Austin more, for different reasons
A glorified shit hole! Unfortunately like most places!
Tatyana and vitny both crazy
4:05 so the "two sides of America" are hippies and other side conspiracy theorists? Its sounds like Best Documentary has never actually talked with a hippy before… And these are NOT the "two sides of America". It is people who want to give the Government more tyrannical power over us, or those who don't. I obviously think government should be much smaller. For instance, why do we still have the Patriot Act??
Cant believe you guys blurred out the chicks butt even though she was wearing a bikini,dont to watch something that reacts so badly to something so normal.
Iv been to austin and would never go back, don’t really see why its so hyped up just a place for dirty hippy type folk
I've only been there once and it was ok, but it had a lot of "homeless energy" that I didn't love. This feels a bit behind the times and some of the big companies are bailing out or scaling back and the real estate bubble seems to be bursting now.
America's hippest capital is full. The rent is too high, and there are too many communists here. Go to Oklahoma or Colorado with all the weedies
blurring is sexist
Why are you denying the "c0 v *ed*" facts that have been reiterated, repeatedly, by government and doctors; the * v @ x * doesn't really protect you!
When the crazy, stripper wanna-be talked about not getting stuck or wearing a "f @ i $" diaper she wasn't conspiring but A. J. is?
Also, the wanna be's and all their friends shouldn't really be grinding and gyrating on the streets. Why the need to expose children exposed to such overt sexuality on display. We really need to promote some type of societal decency, to maintaine childhood innocence and for their mental health. There's a time and place for EVERYTHING, even exhibitionism!
A few things are beyond keeping Austin weird; it's leaning towards bizzaro CA behavior!!!!!!
Offcourse the French who live for 4 years in US don’t speak English.
You blur out female body in swimsuit but not male body in swimsuit. Sexist double standard!!
" Alex Jones's operation is not going anywhere " that didn't age very well
Woke toilet. Quickly turning into Detroit. 💀
Woke biased BS video.
simple life bad
Thanks all Conservative , you guys did a great job
the album at 20 minutes is "rednex – sex and violins"
Alex jones was right
Hippies blindfolding and charging $500.00 to take them mud bathing. 😅
Tough Texan, Alex Jones crying in his show.😂
''Hippest'' In all seriousness, in 2024 just mean most mainstream. Such peeps just think they are ''different'', not part of the herd mentality, etc. because they are artists and doesn't work 9-5 or yeah… all such things. In fact, it's just as mainstream as anything else. they are just another groups or side of the same polarisation mainstream thingy.
it's like this: The ''far-left and far-right'' are the same things , just they mean the opposite things. It's like a coin. The coin is the same coin no matter if it's heads or tails. Value, weight, etc is the same.
Austin has deteriorated over the past 20 years. And with all the transplants escaping the crime, outrageous taxes etc they’re turning Austin into exactly what they were escaping. Violent crime has risen in Austin and surrounding areas, especially murder. Since 2020 the homicide rate rose some years 38% and from 2020 to 2021 it rose 74%.
Back in the 1970’s until the late 1990’s and a few years into the 2000’s you could go downtown on 6th Street, have a great time and eat a great meal without anyone messing with you. I seen Stevie Ray Vaughan in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s for free, Willie Nelson, Jerry Jeff Walker etc You could watch a concert in the Frank Erwin Center for $15
Austin is going to be San Francisco in another 5 years or less.
Democrats ruin everything and every place they go. Don’t believe me? Check all the major cities with high crime, slums, gangs etc and you’ll find a city run by democrats. Kinda like San Francisco, Detroit, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, NYC, Chicago… I could go on but you get the big picture.
‘Being a minority means laws are driving them out.’ Absolute lies
Tatiana is weird af