Princ is a talented music artist who will be representing Serbia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2025 with the song “Mila”. Their powerful performance at Pesma za Evroviziju showcases their unique style and captivating vocals. Stay tuned for their upcoming performance at Eurovision in Basel, Switzerland on May 13, 15 & 17. Make sure to follow Princ on social media for more updates and don’t forget to download the Eurovision app to show your support. Release date and chart position information for the song “Mila” is currently unavailable.
Watch the video by Eurovision Song Contest
Video “Princ – Mila | Serbia 🇷🇸 | National Final Performance | #Eurovision2025” was uploaded on 03/02/2025 to Youtube Channel Eurovision Song Contest
Preciosa canción y bonita voz ❤
Tomme profitt- mary did you know
Very good Serbia!! You are amazing because finally i can go to the toilet during Eurovision 😍🇷🇸
But, lets be real. He and his voice and the song quality are better than 85% of entries this year!!!!
When a bad human being meets a bad song this happens. I am wishing you nothing but the last place in sf.
Harem Girls are the real winners, not Lancelot 🙏🏻
This is actually very good and underrated, better than 2024…. Princ has amazing vocals. I hope he will surprise qualify.
Marija serifovic vibe, good luck!
Interesting choice Serbia 🇷🇸
EBU, someone, please find a way to disqualify him 🙏🙏🙏 he's not Serbia's choice and we want our harem girls to represent us in Basel 🙏🙏🙏
Before you vote for this guy, remember these things:
•He has been accused of being a PDF file.
•In an interview, he said that all representatives except for Molitva were trash.
•He organized the voting at the national competition.
•He plagiarized a song.
Well done, Serbia!
Amazing!!! Bravo Princ!
Tomme profitt- mary did you know PLAGIARISM
Princ – Mila | RTS 🇷🇸 | National Final Performance | Eurovision 2025
Tomme profitt- mary did you know
Toilet break song
Before you vote for this guy, remember these things:
•He has been accused of being a PDF file.
•In an interview, he said that all representatives except for Molitva were trash.
•He organized the voting at the national competition.
•He plagiarized a song.
Well done, Serbia!
He doesn’t deserve to represent Serbia! This is just rigging by the RTS jury.
This year Serbia let someone else in the FINAL😊No welcome👍🏻
I was as mad as everyone in 2023 for Jann, but now i really know how it feels. Did RTS learn nothing from Poland? Just like Blanka, he will get hated on and nothing else, Blanka was at least funny, this guy though…
Love from Serbia!Well done and good luck.
Beautiful pop-rock ballad! Powerful vocalist! Excellent choice, Serbia! All the best! Greetings from Prague.
Why is this song representing Serbia
at Eurovision?
The representative for Eurovision is chosen through the PZE competition. Voting goes 50% audience 50% jury (most do not agree with this way of voting). This year, Serbia has its favorites, and they are:
1. Harem Girls – Aladin good song, performance and vocals would be something unexpected from Serbia
2. Tam – Durum Durum, a good song, she sings beautifully, she improved her performance in the final
3. Vukayla – Mask good song and performance she sings the song very well
4. Mimi Mercedes – Turbo žurka initially the biggest favorite but had a bad performance
Unexpectedly, a person who was not a big favorite won. The song is not bad, but it is not for Eurovision. There was even a paid sponsorship on YouTube for the song. Some kind of jury decided. This is not the majority choice of the citizens of Serbia.
Me encanta el homenaje a la periodista Mila Ximénez, siempre eterna Mila ❤
With all my heart with Serbia,Greece,Cyprus and Spain.
Support to the Serbian students! They're the real winners here and not this state puppet!
A good song, but maybe is was not the best option. However good luck to Servia 🇷🇸
Hopefully we see him at last place
Very powerfull voice, nice love song, pure quality. Yes, we from Serbia support Prince!! ✊
Glupa pjesma, bez emocija. Užas..
The boy won, he is not to blame if the voting system is not working. After all, he represents his country and will surely give his best. I personally am not from Serbia, but I am from the Balkans. Last year we all spat on the ESC and "circus performances" Well, this is a dignified, decent performance. If you have to fall, let it be with your head held high. The song is not bad at all. These you tubers fill our heads with their opinions..they are like excellent experts..and they do everything for reviews.
In recent years, the only thing that matters is the stupider and more outrageous…the better. And where did the music go? That is the goal of this competition. Ballads are never boring if you love and listen to music. My support for Prince, good voice, good looks, a bit more power on the will go better than we think.❤🎉
Last year entry it was much better.😔
He is gorgeous! Goodluck Serbia! From Israel
Možete da mi popušite tuki Evrovizijo
This is actually a very unique and interesting ballad. I really hope they change the staging and styling though, it is very outdated. The song itself has great potential with a more modern approach. Love from Greece ❤
Bravo susjedi
I know Serbia had 3 better options but hopefully his good looks and oldschool song can get votes from older audiences and continue Serbia's grand final qualification streak
Pride of Serbia ❤
For those not in the know, people from Serbia are not happy with the choice. In our competition, the second place was taken by drag queens. If we sent them, they would be in the TOP 10 for sure. This song is nice, he sings great but it's not enough for Eurovision. Unfortunately, I think that the series of qualifications of Serbia is interrupted this year.
I am proud to be a Serb ❤
Yeah, he's gonna go to the Final
Why are there so many bots??
Bravo Princ!! ❤❤❤