In a powerful display of unity and defiance, students and citizens from all corners of Serbia have descended upon the capital city of Belgrade to protest against corruption and government negligence following a tragic incident at a train station last November. The disaster, which claimed the lives of 15 individuals, has sparked outrage and a growing demand for accountability among the Serbian populace.
Since the tragic event, tens of thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets to voice their grievances and challenge the leadership of President Aleksandar Vucic. The protests, which have been ongoing for months, have now reached a boiling point as students and opponents of the government rally together to demand justice and transparency in the face of rampant corruption.
The streets of Belgrade have become a sea of chanting voices and waving banners, as protestors make their voices heard in a bid to bring about real change in their country. The atmosphere is charged with emotion and determination, as the people of Serbia stand together in solidarity against the injustices they have endured.
As the protests continue to gain momentum, the world watches on in anticipation of what these demonstrations could mean for the future of Serbia. Will the calls for accountability be met with action, or will the government continue to turn a blind eye to the demands of its citizens? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain – the people of Serbia will not rest until their voices are heard and their grievances are addressed.
Watch the video by The Times and The Sunday Times
Video “LIVE: Serbians protest in Belgrade amid corruption scandal” was uploaded on 03/15/2025 to Youtube Channel The Times and The Sunday Times
Je ne pensais pas qu'il était possible de rire autant jusqu'à ce que je regarde cette vidéo. Maintenant, mon maquillage est bavé, mais ça en valait la peine
Vlast i opozicija napustite Srbiju momentalno
Who is who? Be they a terrorist or be they what they wear?
i know nothing of the topic, but "students" are usually wrong and manipulated by amerika or some globalist foundation
but its just a hunch
Vucic used sound breakers,cannon,to break protest,which is ilegal in most of countries
Anything even touched by Russia is corruption and state run crime
Ovi su gori od CNN chelicerae dan lazu
Support from Lithuania!!!