In the depths of the South African wilderness, a tiny chameleon has found a remarkable way to protect her precious offspring from the dangers of the world. This incredible moment was captured by the BBC Earth team, showcasing the extraordinary behavior of this South African dwarf chameleon.
The video, taken from the series ‘Life In Cold Blood’ narrated by the legendary David Attenborough, shows the chameleon giving birth to live babies in the safety of the branches. This fascinating phenomenon sheds light on the unique adaptations these creatures have developed to survive in their harsh environment.
With the help of cutting-edge technology, viewers are able to witness the intimate details of this process, debunking the myth that cold-blooded animals are slow and primitive. Instead, these reptiles and amphibians are revealed to be just as dramatic, social, sophisticated, and passionate as their warm-blooded counterparts.
As with all BBC Earth content, this video aims to educate and inspire audiences about the wonders of the natural world. For over 50 years, BBC Earth has been dedicated to capturing the most dramatic, rare, and exclusive moments in nature, providing viewers with a new perspective on the diverse and fascinating creatures that inhabit our planet.
So, next time you see a chameleon blending seamlessly into its surroundings, remember the incredible journey that led to the birth of those baby chameleons in the branches. Nature truly is full of surprises, and BBC Earth is here to bring those enchanting stories to your screen.
Watch the video by BBC Earth
Video “Chameleon Gives Birth To Live Babies In The Branches | BBC Earth” was uploaded on 03/20/2025 to Youtube Channel BBC Earth
And now imagine, some people will claim and tell this all happend to evolve by chance 😂
Good 👍👍
After seeing them climb about at five seconds old, mammal newborns seem completely useless and pathetic in comparison 😂
I used to live near Cape Town with my family and we often saw these in the trees and scrubs near our home. Pity I only now see the fantastic ovivivipar process. I never knew.
இறைவன் இருப்பதை உணர்த்தும் கோடி தருணங்களில் ஒன்று…
அறிவுள்ளவர்கள் அறிவில்லாத இயற்கையை இதற்கு காரணமாக பாராட்ட மாட்டார்கள்,
இறைவனை நம்புகிறார்களே பகுத்தறிவாளர்கள்
GT: One of the billion moments that makes us realize the existence of God…
Intelligent people do not appreciate the ignorant nature as a reason for this,
Rational people believe in God
Creepy…looks like the movie aliens
3:07 she just casually pokes the baby's eye out 😂
O God! Great God! Chameleon mother is not different from a human mother! Lovely video.
Beautiful animals ❤
Really cool 😮
Oh wow! 🤩😲
That is like the evolutionary step between oviparous and viviparous! 😳🤓❤
…and yes, now I also found "ovoviviparity", but never knew about it before!
I love learning new things, especially when they are as fascinating as this!❤
And just when I start to think I've seen it all… This is so stunning!
Wow … Amazing capture. Beautiful to watch
Ovoviviparus. Not pregnant.
Unbelievable 😍
I thought they lay eggs. This was amazing
Does she care for them?
Hey BBC Earth channel, upload more videos of Tigers, Elephants, and Lions, those are good and I like them.
😍…this video it's just amazing! First time i see a real baby Chameleon born! Thank you so much BBC earth! 💙
Have you seen a chameleon birth before?