Experience a day in the life of a language student in Ho Chi Minh City as they take you on their daily bus ride to Vietnamese language school. Get a raw look at navigating Saigon’s public transportation system and immerse yourself in the bustling streets of this vibrant city. Don’t miss this unique glimpse into daily life in Vietnam’s largest city.
Watch the video by ActionKid
About ActionKid
Video creator focused on point-of-view experiences and inspiring positivity around the world.
Video “Life in Ho Chi Minh City: My Bus Ride to Language School” was uploaded on 03/20/2025 to Youtube Channel ActionKid
It’s nice that you want to learn Vietnamese 👍Thank you for sharing this enjoyable and relaxing bus ride A K🙂👍!!!
Living the life. Stay safe bro.
🦜 Wait! For you to take classes means you plan to stay for an extended time! 🫢
Maybe someday you will speak Vietnamese in these travel videos?! 😊
That sounds great going to language school to learn Vietnamese and
trying to get a bus ride to where you are going there in Ho Chi Minh
there are a lot of buses going through there and a lot of people waiting
but it was a nice ride to your destination though. have a nice upcoming weekend and until your next video from Vietnam thank you AK.🇻🇳🚍🚍
Look at all the motor bikes 😅😎
I enjoyed the video. However I would have taken the motor bike taxi to get me precisely to the school's entrance….j/s
In Argentina we also have to rise the hand for the bus to stop. Busses are not so modern here though some companies have nicer units than others. We use prepaid cards called SUBE and we tell the driver were we are going, so he select the price so we can pass the card for the machine and pay is done.
So weird seeing stick shift buses
Good for you AK , best wishes and thank you for sharing 😊 ❤
You walked really well on those stairs Glad you're doing better 👍
Ugh… too many scooters.. too much pollutio.. too many humans
TBH looks miserable
Excellent! You are becoming a well rounded human being. LOL. Thank you for being a positive influence in society.
Cannot wait to hear you become proficient in the Vietnamese language.
Thanks for the bus ride!!✌️😃
Hello Action Kid. Congratulations on the videos. Here in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), the buses also don't stop at the bus stop if no one is getting off. You have to signal on the street if you want to board
Bus rides are always relaxing
When the lady is making those announcements on the bus, I could actually picture her saying “if you see something, say something.“😂😂😂
Wow, waiting for the bus and taking for a long when you ready just didn’t even get a chance to be in this whole entire life. At least you already gotten a chance to be here, but I believe you already know it but yeah, but according to New York City, you will get a chance you have a good time with your friend here. Thank you for sharing vehicle entire stream AK 😎👍!!
Interesting seating arrangement on the Busses.
Nice busses! But wow those streets… Never ceases to amaze me how the safest way to cross the street is to just walk into traffic! 🤣(sort of.) lol
If it’s 80 why does that lady have a coat on
Wow you're going to actual class? On the stream I thought you took online class for fun and you talked to your online teacher. If you're studying Vietnamese the formulas below will help. Replace the first letters of the Vietnamese words to the following letters and you get the sound of the Cantonese words:
These patterns can help you guess 30-35% Vietnamese on your own. Check translations on the phone afterward and you'll be surprised.
T /Th = S
V = M
H = H, W, F
Ph = F
Gi = C/K
Another thing is one Chinese word sometimes = to 2 Vietnamese words. Maybe different regions in Vietnam received Chinese, or different groups of ethnics and dialects of Chinese migrated to Vietnam through the periods, but you get these:
主 Chủ/ Chúa 人Nhân/ Nhơn 花 Hoa/Hoè 化 Hóa/Huế 鳳 Phụng/Phượng
偪 Phúc/ Phước (You get Phuc Long Coffee and Phuoc Long Metro station)
恩 Ân/ Ơn This is where you get 感恩 Cảm Ơn (thank you) from
When I learned Chinese I thought it was overwhelming and expansive, until I picked up the patterns, they repeating over and over again, I thought that was so easy. I hope the formulas above will help you pick up lots of words.
Are you living in Ho Chi Minh City now Action kid?
I lived in this area before. You may want to check out a very famous Bún Chả and square spring roll restaurant called Quán Nem at 15E Nguyen Thi Minh Khai street. It's one of my fav.
Are there many motorcycles there?
Oh dang AK, you've learned Vietnamese!😀 That's dominating, and those bus rides are truly relaxing in Ho Chi Minh City!😎😄🤭 Thanks for sharing that bus ride Action Kid!😌🤗🥹😇
Yo Kid.. dammm u everywhere.. welcome to vn