The movie “Summer of ’42” is a heartwarming and nostalgic coming-of-age story set during the summer of 1942. The film follows a teenage boy who is evacuated to an island during wartime and finds himself feeling bored and isolated. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he meets a fascinating older woman on the island, leading to a beautiful and poignant summer romance.
The movie has been praised for its captivating performances, with Jennifer O’Neill delivering a dazzling portrayal of the older woman and Gary Grimes portraying the adolescent boy drawn to her with wonderful natural acting. However, the true highlight of the film is the enchanting soundtrack by Michel Legrand. Composed of delicate and sentimental music interwoven with string and wind instruments, the soundtrack adds a deep emotional dimension to the story.
The theme song “Theme For Summer Of ’42 The Picasso Suite” and “The Summer Knows (End Title Theme From Summer Of ’42)” perfectly encapsulate the nostalgic and romantic essence of the film. Directed by Robert Mulligan and based on a screenplay by Herman Raucher, “Summer of ’42” beautifully captures the essence of young love and the bittersweetness of fleeting moments, making it a timeless classic.
Video “Summer of ’42( おもいでの夏 )- Michel Legrand” was uploaded on 06/03/2018 to Youtube Channel lemikeyles