Elon Musk, known for his innovative and futuristic ventures, has recently acquired some of the sexiest humanoid robots in the world. One of these robots, named Rober, is an experimental nursing care robot developed in collaboration with Japanese companies. Weighing 140 kg, Rober is designed to lift patients from beds into wheelchairs and assist them in standing up, aiming to advance nursing care and relieve burdens on caregivers, especially as Japan’s elderly population grows.
But Rober is not the only impressive humanoid robot in Elon Musk’s collection. From the realistic Gia Gia to the versatile Jizai Arms and the upcoming Romeo from France, each robot brings its unique capabilities to the table. These robots, like Hermes with its human machine interface for teleoperation, showcase the cutting-edge technology and advancements in the field of robotics. As the world watches these developments unfold, it’s clear that Elon Musk’s fascination with humanoid robots is pushing boundaries and reshaping the future of automation and customer service.
Watch the video by Artificial Intelligence News Daily
Video Transcript
Here to tell us about a new experimental nursing care robot called Rober hello everybody my name’s Rome I’m a research platform from tasks like lifting a patient from a bed into a wheelchair or helping a patient stand up I forget oh yes I’m a resarch platform from my final goal is to help people number six robar Japanese company Rick and srk collaboration Center for
Human interactive robot research and Sumit Tomo Rico company have developed an experimental nursing care robot robar which can lift patients from beds into Wheelchairs and assist them in standing up robar weighs 140 kg and is the successor to heavier robots reeba and reeba 2 the robot aims to lead to
Advances in nursing care and relieve the burden on caregivers as the elderly population is growing rapidly in Japan according to ricken robots like robar can help alleviate the strain on nurses and caregivers who may have to lift patients 40 or more times a day risking
Lower back pain here to tell us about a new experimental nursing care robot called Rober a company in Japan is experimenting with a nursing care robot affectionately called robar tasks like lifting a patient from a bed into a wheelchair or helping a patient stand up being called the strong robot with a
Gentle touch more than 300 people worldwide are working on and building the inmove robot robar remains a research project as ricken and its Partners continue to improve the robot’s technology reduce its weight and ensure its safety through legs that extend while lifting a patient Japan Jaan Remains the hub for Research into
Humanoid robots and other companies are exploring the idea of using robots for various purposes such as customer service and marketing mobile operator SoftBank has used its pepper robot to collect customer opinions in its stores while Mitsubishi ufj Financial Group is about to start a trial of a customer
Service robot called Nao in its stores Toyota’s chahira Aiko robot resembling a Japanese woman is likely to be used to work with elderly people with conditions including dementia connecting them to medical staff number five China’s robot revolution in restaurants here in satama the trend of incorporating robots into customer
Service is on the rise challenging the traditional notion of human interaction in the hospitality industry at the together restaurant in central Beijing a robot matro takes Center Stage providing a unique dining experience for customers this robot though friendly occasionally finds itself in moments of confusion highlighting the ongoing challenges in
Merging artificial intelligence with customer service China is currently in the midst of a robot craze fueled by government initiatives to promote innovation in the manufacturing industry and embrace a pro- robot agenda some restaurants like the one owned by Mr Wong have enthusiastically adopted this trend Mr Wong purchased his robots for
Approximately $900 each a significant investment equivalent to about 2 month salary for an ordinary worker despite the cost customers seem to appreciate the novelty of being served by robots however analysts caution that China might be experiencing a robot bubble where the design and implementation of robots May lack practical utility the
Technology is in its early stages and the true impact of these Innovations remains to be seen Mr Wong remains optimistic about the future expressing hope that technology will continue to improve he cites a desire for a higher level of functionality raises questions about the balance between Innovation and practicality as the nation pushes
Forward with its Pro robot agenda the world watches to see how these developments will shape the future of customer service and the role of Automation in various sectors number four Gia Gia a humanoid robot developed by the University of Science and Technology of China has garnered attention for its remarkable
Humanlike appearance and interactions this Cutting Edge creation pushes the boundaries of realism bringing us closer to a world where humanoid robots seamlessly blend into Human Society Gia Gia’s uncanny realism raises intriguing questions about the concept known as The Uncanny Valley The Uncanny Valley refers to the discomfort or unease experienced
By humans when when encountering objects or entities that closely resemble humans but fall just short of complete authenticity it is the point at which something becomes Almost Human yet not quite triggering a sense of eeriness or revulsion Gia Gia’s ability to replicate human facial expressions eye movements and lip syncing brings her remarkably
Close to Crossing this threshold her realistic appearance challenges our perceptions and blurs the line between artificiality and Humanity this realism serves as a testament to the advancements made in the field of Robotics pushing the boundaries of what we thought was possible while Gia Gia’s appearance May evoke mixed feelings her
Realistic features and interactions also offer potential benefits the ability to create humanoid robots that closely resemble humans could revolutionize industry such as healthare customer service and entertainment humanoid robots like Gia could provide companionship to the elderly assist with repetitive tasks or serve as lifelike actors in movies and TV shows however it
Is crucial to note that The Uncanny realism achieved by G Gia is not without its challenges the development of humanoid robots that perfectly replicate human behavior and appearance remains a complex task researchers and Engineers must navigate various Technical and ethical considerations to strike the delicate balance between realism and acceptability
Number three jizai arms the jizai arms designed by a team of scientists at the University of Tokyo are a set of robotic arms designed to help people perform tasks and interact with others the arms are named after the traditional Japanese jizai okimono articulated animal figurines which translates to freely or
Freely moving the jizi arms are equipped with a backpack with six built-in sockets allowing different types of system specific articulated robotic arms to be plugged into one or more of these sockets and controlled in real time by the wearer or another person the arms are designed to be aesthetically
Appealing and harmonize with the human body the jizi arms team is currently seeking research and development opportunities to advance the technology further a report on the analytics VI website states that a wireless remote resembling a miniature version of the arms is used to control the arms the wearable setup weighs 14 kg with
Fourarms attached a study conducted on volunteers found that their bodies could sense the attachment Detachment of the arms and they felt a strong impact when detaching or reducing the number of robotic arms worn the arms are named after the traditional Japanese jizai okimono articulated animal figurines which translates to freely or freely
Moving the jizi arms are equipped with a backpack with six built-in sockets allowing different types of system specific articulated robotic arms to be plugged into one or more of these sockets and controlled in real time by the wearer or another person the arms are designed to be aesthetically
Appealing and harmonize with the human body the scientists also suggested adding customizability to the robotic arms to generate a sense of social ownership an individual’s sense of ownership towards a specific artificial body part shared among multiple persons number two Romeo France is set to join the select club of countries that have developed
Advanced adult-sized humanoid robots with paris-based alderan robotics working with major French research organizations to build a larger and more capable robot called Romeo Romeo will be unveiled next march and will assist elderly and disabled individuals in their daily activities such as fetching food from the kitchen taking out garbage
And acting as a loyal companion the 1.4 M tall robot will weigh 40 kg and introduce several Innovations including a four vertebra backbone articulated feet a partially soft torso so a composite leg exoskeleton and a new kind of actuator that allows the robot to control its limbs in a safer way the
Romeo project which started in early 2009 involves 13 partners and has a budget of €1 million EUR half of which comes from federal and local French governments hello everybody my name’s Rome I’m a research platform from Al Hey Alexander hey I forget oh yes I’m a research platform from
Elan my final goal is to help people the robot will have 37° of Freedom including two doof for each eye one doof for each foot and three doof for the backbone an advanced type of actuator known as a back drivable mechanism will power the joints allowing the robot to sense
Forces on the limbs and move them more safely rodolph Galen head of Cooperative project at alberon believes that people will find a humanoid robot much easier to use and more fun than a Roomba or box on Wheels robot he envisions Romeo doing tasks that other humanoid robots can’t
Do today such as helping elderly individuals find objects monitoring their health and Performing physically challenging tasks number one Hermes the human machine interface aims to create a new media for bilateral feedback during fullbody teley operation of humanoid robots the Hermes humanoid robot system is designed to study whole body humanin
The loop control with balance feedback inspired by human innate physical control capabilities and Creative Learning the system uses the full body of the human operator as the controller for a humanoid robot the robot’s state of balance is displayed as sensory feedback to the human operator applied as Force to the waist to
Stimulate corrective teleoperated control actions the Hermes is stronger than humans and can be sent to dangerous locations for search and rescue operations a sensor suit worn by the human operator is linked to the robot allowing it to balance itself more effectively and feel forced feedback the robot’s hands with three-fingered claws
Can pick up power tools Crush soda cans or pour coffee joysticks rigged up to the main exoskeleton enable the human operator to interact with the surroundings with more Precision than a typical robot that’s all for this video folks see you next time
Video “SEXIEST Humanoid Robots Owned By ELON MUSK” was uploaded on 01/20/2024 to Youtube Channel Artificial Intelligence News Daily
The post “The Most Attractive Humanoid Robots in ELON MUSK’s Collection – Video – GretAi News” by GretAi was published on 04/05/2024 by news.gretai.com