“NEVER LET GO” is a gripping horror movie starring Halle Berry, Percy Daggs III, and Anthony B. Jenkins. As evil beings overrun the world, a mother and her twin sons find themselves in a fight for survival within the confines of their own home. The family must rely on their strong bond and unwavering connection to protect themselves from the malevolent forces outside.
With tension and terror mounting, the mother must navigate the dangers lurking just beyond their doorstep, all while keeping her sons safe and secure. But as the threat grows stronger and more insidious, the family’s very survival is called into question. Can they hold on to each other and withstand the horrors that surround them?
“NEVER LET GO” is a heart-pounding tale of familial love, resilience, and the unbreakable bonds that hold us together in the face of unimaginable evil. Don’t miss this thrilling new horror movie when it hits cinemas on September 27, 2024.
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Video “NEVER LET GO Trailer (2024) Halle Berry” was uploaded on 05/16/2024 to Youtube Channel KinoCheck.com