In a bizarre turn of events, police in Akron, Ohio found themselves in an unexpected situation when they were called to corral a cow that had fallen off a trailer on a busy highway during rush hour. The brown cow, identified by tag number 226, was causing quite a commotion as officers and the fire department worked together to safely capture and remove her from the roadway.
It may seem like an unusual call for law enforcement, but incidents like these are becoming more common and are often caught on camera. The video of this particular rescue, captured by Inside Edition Digital, shows the lengths officers went to in order to safely corral and transport the cow to safety.
While it may have been a strange sight for drivers passing by, it’s a reminder of the unexpected situations that police officers can find themselves in on any given day. Despite the unusual circumstances, the cow was successfully rescued and no injuries were reported.
Watch the video to see how police officers in Akron, Ohio managed to corral a cow after it fell off a trailer on the highway and caused quite a stir during rush hour.
Watch the video by Inside Edition
Video “Police Corral Cow After It Fell Off Trailer on Roadway” was uploaded on 06/13/2024 to Youtube Channel Inside Edition