Nkashi: Race for the Okavango | National Geographic is a heartwarming and inspiring video that showcases the challenges and triumphs of three mokoro polers in the Okavango Delta. Created through collaboration with Batswana filmmakers, this video celebrates the cultural heritage of poling and illuminates the importance of protecting the Okavango Delta.
The annual Nkashi Classic race, made possible by Okavango Eternal, a partnership between National Geographic and De Beers, aims to protect the source waters of the Okavango Delta and the lives and livelihoods they support. The video showcases the dedication and passion of the polers as they compete in the Nkashi Classic race, a one-day time trial using mekoro, a traditional mode of transportation in the Delta.
Through beautiful storytelling and stunning visuals, Nkashi: Race for the Okavango captures the spirit of the Delta and the deep connection the people have with the land and wildlife. From the excitement of the race to the challenges faced along the way, this video highlights the resilience and strength of the Batswana people.
Overall, Nkashi: Race for the Okavango is a powerful testament to the importance of preserving the natural treasures of the Okavango Delta and the rich cultural heritage of its people. It is a reminder of the beauty and significance of protecting our environment for future generations to come.
Watch the video by National Geographic
Video “Nkashi: Race for the Okavango | National Geographic” was uploaded on 06/24/2024. Watch all the latest Videos by National Geographic on Gretopia