Expert: Israeli Leadership Must Commit to Implementing Phased Deal for Gaza

Expert: Israeli Leadership Must Commit to Implementing Phased Deal for Gaza

In a recent interview, former Israeli peace negotiator Daniel Levy emphasized the importance of a phased ceasefire deal for Gaza, currently being discussed by mediators in Doha, Qatar. The proposal, put forth by US President Joe Biden, includes a six-week ceasefire, a permanent end to hostilities, and a plan for the reconstruction of Gaza.

However, Levy noted that the success of the plan hinges on a clear commitment from Israel’s leadership, which he believes is currently lacking. He highlighted the need for mediators to ensure that the ceasefire is upheld and emphasized the importance of establishing on-the-ground realities, such as providing humanitarian aid and partially withdrawing Israeli soldiers, to prevent a return to the current cycle of violence.

Levy criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his unwillingness to make the necessary commitments to ensure the success of the ceasefire plan. Without a firm commitment from Israel, Levy warned that the fragile truce could easily unravel, leading to a continuation of the devastating conflict in Gaza.

The discussion surrounding the phased ceasefire deal highlights the need for strong leadership and a genuine commitment to peace from all parties involved. As mediators continue to work towards a resolution, the international community must push for meaningful action to bring an end to the suffering in Gaza.

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Video “A phased deal for Gaza could work, but no Israeli leadership commitment, says expert” was uploaded on 07/10/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English