The aftermath of the devastating wildfire in Jasper, Alta., has left a trail of destruction, with Parks Canada reporting that 358 structures in the town have been destroyed, accounting for about 30 per cent of the townsite. Despite this significant loss, it is noted that most critical infrastructure has fortunately survived the fire. The impact of this tragedy is truly heart-wrenching for the community and beyond.
Meanwhile, the 2024 Olympic Games kicked off in Paris with a unique opening ceremony that saw athletes from around the world sailing through the city on the Seine River. However, Canada’s participation was marred by scandal as the head coach of the women’s team was sent home amidst allegations of spying on other teams with drones. This controversy has cast a shadow over Canada Soccer, revealing what appears to be a significant ethical issue within the organization.
In a groundbreaking ruling, the Supreme Court of Canada has declared that the Crown violated the Robinson Treaties and must enter into negotiations with First Nations within six months to reach a settlement. This decision underscores the mandatory obligation of the Ontario and Canadian governments to address economic circumstances in a fair and just manner. The implications of this ruling are significant for the relationship between the government and Indigenous communities.
On a lighter note, the heartwarming story of Indie the cat being reunited with her family after eight years apart brings a glimmer of hope amidst the bleak news. Despite being found far from home, across bridges and unknown territories, Indie has finally returned to her family. The joy and relief of her safe return demonstrate the enduring bond between pets and their owners, even after a long separation.
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Video “Global National: July 26, 2024 | Jasper wildfire destroys 358 structures, Parks Canada says” was uploaded on 07/27/2024 to Youtube Channel Global News
Palestinians don’t want a two state solution. They want one state and for it to be theirs.
As a Canadian residing abroad my wife and I will cherish the memories of our Jasper visit in Jan of 2024
Two million people visit Jasper every year. Surely this has a significant impact environmentally. maybe it’s time for a lottery and restricted access to a pristine area like this? Danielle Smith should be held responsible for not supporting fire prevention and fire fighting in Alberta.
Watch it and weep. Stay tuned for our vanishing glaciers that'll leave tourists nothing but a barren moonscape and citizens with no water.
Trudy and the boys setting planned burns!!!!!!!
10 billion dollars
Don't worry. Danielle Smith offers thoughts and prayers instead of climate emergency action.
Google Jasper pine Beetle tree removal. Articles going back to 2017
Too bad our premiere doesnt believe in global warming. This is just the start of a worsening trend for "natural" disasters – as if you can call a species in the billions burning fossils fuels en masse for the first time in a planet's billion year history "natural"
Danielle Smith..the ultimate climate change denier and hypocrite.
fire may destroy buildings but it does not destroy parks,, fire renews and refreshes forestland… out with the old make room for the new,, this year its burnt,,,, next year it will be FULL of morel mushrooms in spring, the following year it will be green with grasses and in ten years xmas trees will be everywhere,,
The Jasper fire is created by the government of Canada
Don t give it to the red cross if you want the people of Jasper to have it
I feel so awful for those Canadians out West who are losing homes and/or businesses to rampant fires. I know the Canadian Red Cross will do all they can to help, and we Canadians not affected must step up to support that effort.
So impressed with Celine Dion battling her affliction to perform once again on the world stage — and with France for allowing a Canadian and an American performer, Lady Gaga, to perform at the Paris Olympics. So generous of France to share the limelight, that sail down the Seine opening ceremony looked spectacular!!
May Love Peace Prevail In The World….
It’s my birthday
I feel so much empathy for Jasperites
And as usual the MSM ignores the real question. Why wasn't the fuels reduction work done around this town years ago? Not just Jasper, but dozens of other towns. Lots of talk and lots of urban based 'xspurts' and endless studies but nothing actually happening on the ground.
Wishing we all to be a graceful sinner
Prompt to repent
I’m in shock really even though I’m out of town but still I’m suffering for it.
Looks like Trudeau is not doing us any good. Bring back CPC thank you.
When people are living this far out from the ocean people should have sprinkler system in their houses and on top of them.
I was hoping Banff and jasper were going to be bigger citys but then this happand.
Go Canada! And Australia and New Zealand! And Starmer too! Time to stop supporting illegal settlements, war crimes, and occupation.
Here in BC right now we have 406 wildfires every summer peoples homes burn so we know how the people in Jasper feel I lived in Jasper for 20 years and it is a shame to see what has happened and I feel sorry for the people who lost there homes I think it is time the Fed Gov helps us it is so bad we can not handle this by ourselves the fires are to big and there is to many of them
Don't worry folks, just keep voting UCP so they can keep slashing the wildfire management budget for a few years before boosting it to look good. They'll even bring back coal mining to the Rockies, that'll help us out for sure!
So news these days is about a cat?? Unbelievable . Why don't you leave that to the channels that do that? Honestly News is for News. Not syrupy goo at the end. It won't change everything to cotton candy so just stop it. Nauseous
I feel for these people. Many of our community just lost a whole heck of a lot in our fire.
So, does that mean that if you are from that tr–ibe you will become millionaires overnight, ha ha, this country is becoming a joke by the day, and I have native friends who haven't received a dime while the money has gone somewhere, ha ha, joke, after the court cases do they actually track where the money goes? ha ha, time and again,,,,,
Honestly, I still would not vote Green despite all these wildfires. It’s just not worth the risk of ruining the oil industry because my retirement depends on cheap gas. My kids don’t care either because this is what I teach them.
Neetu is back!!!
Jasper reels and a long lost cat returns home…, bitter ironies! But the female soccer Olympic team had it worse!