Conservatives call for investigation into how suspected ISIS member entered Canada in Toronto terror plot

Conservatives call for investigation into how suspected ISIS member entered Canada in Toronto terror plot

Conservative House Leader Andrew Scheer has called for an inquiry into how Ahmed Fouad Mostafa Eldidi, a Toronto man charged in a recent terror plot, was able to enter Canada despite his alleged involvement in ISIS violence overseas. The federal government has declined to provide an explanation for Eldidi’s immigration to Canada. Eldidi, along with his son Mostafa, were arrested by the RCMP at a hotel north of Toronto as they were reportedly planning a terrorist attack for ISIS. During the arrest, police seized a machete and axe. Scheer emphasized the importance of national security systems doing their job to prevent such threats.

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Video “Toronto terror plot: Conservatives demand inquiry into how alleged ISIS operative entered Canada” was uploaded on 08/06/2024 to Youtube Channel Global News