Undercover video allegedly catches Planned Parenthood executives discussing sale of fetal body parts

Undercover video allegedly catches Planned Parenthood executives discussing sale of fetal body parts

In a shocking undercover video released by a pro-life activist, top executives from Planned Parenthood were allegedly caught discussing the sale of fetal body parts. The video, which was obtained through a hidden camera investigation, captured disturbing conversations between the executives as they casually discussed the extraction and sale of organs from aborted fetuses.

The footage reportedly shows the executives haggling over prices for various body parts, including hearts, lungs, and livers, and even joking about how they can increase profits by altering the abortion procedure. The executives also discussed how they could manipulate the abortion process to obtain intact organs for sale, a practice that is illegal under federal law.

The video has sparked outrage among pro-life advocates, who are calling for a thorough investigation into Planned Parenthood’s practices and potential criminal activity. The organization has long been a target for anti-abortion activists, who accuse them of profiting from the sale of fetal tissue.

Planned Parenthood has vehemently denied any wrongdoing, claiming that the video is heavily edited and taken out of context. They have also accused the pro-life activist behind the video of manipulating the footage in order to smear their organization.

The release of this undercover video has reignited the debate over abortion and the ethics of fetal tissue research. As the controversy continues to unfold, it remains to be seen what legal ramifications, if any, will come from these shocking revelations.

Watch the video by New York Post

Video “Planned Parenthood execs allegedly caught discussing sale of fetus body parts in undercover video” was uploaded on 08/08/2024 to Youtube Channel New York Post