Gaza ceasefire negotiations are just another form of war: Marwan Bishara

Gaza ceasefire negotiations are just another form of war: Marwan Bishara

The recent ceasefire talks in Gaza have been labeled as the continuation of war by other means, according to Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara. Bishara highlights that while the talks may signal a temporary pause in the violence, they ultimately serve as a way to prolong the conflict rather than resolve it.

Throughout the decades-long conflict between Israel and Palestine, ceasefire agreements have come and gone, often with little lasting impact on the underlying issues at hand. Bishara argues that these talks merely serve to maintain the status quo, rather than address the root causes of the conflict.

As both sides engage in negotiations, the underlying grievances and injustices that fuel the violence remain unaddressed. The lack of progress in addressing issues such as land rights, access to resources, and the right of return for Palestinian refugees only serves to perpetuate the cycle of violence.

Bishara’s analysis challenges the notion that ceasefire talks alone can bring about lasting peace in Gaza. He suggests that a comprehensive approach that addresses the underlying grievances of both sides is necessary in order to truly end the conflict.

As the talks continue, it remains to be seen whether the international community will push for a more comprehensive resolution that addresses the root causes of the conflict, or whether the cycle of violence will simply continue under the guise of temporary ceasefire agreements.

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Video “Gaza ceasefire talks are the continuation of war by other means: Marwan Bishara” was uploaded on 08/18/2024 to Youtube Channel Al Jazeera English